Behaviour Curriculum

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We consider the teaching of behaviour to be just as significant as academic learning and readiness.

Our behaviour curriculum is taught by assuming two points, taken from work by Tom Bennett who is the lead behaviour advisor to the Department for Education (DfE):

Almost all children want to do what is expected of them and what is often considered poor behaviour from children is often due to a lack of high expectations, clarity, consistency and respect in adult behaviour.

If high expectations, clarity, consistency and respect exist, what remains as ‘poor behaviour’ is often rooted either in the way a child has been socialised or previous experience of relationships with adults in their life. They therefore need our support in learning how to change that.

Our Vision

A Branston student carries our ethos both in school and in the community.

‘Kindness or nothing: Life is tough, so we will be kind to one another and if we cannot quite manage that then we will say or do nothing that is unkind.’

When students wear our uniform, they embrace our values of; Community, Aspiration, Resilience, Respect and Kindness.

Our Aim

Our aim is to prepare our students, not just for studying our academic curriculum but developing as a whole person, giving them the opportunity to have choices about moving to have a happy and successful life in the future by achieving their potential.

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Branston Behaviour Curriculum Student Expectations Poster

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A printable version of the ‘BCA’s Student Expectations’ document above can be found in the link below:

Student Expectations.

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