
Sociology Featured Image

Welcome to the Sociology Department

What we will study?

Sociology is about human social behaviour, why people behave as they do and what things influence and affect their lives. It is about how people organise themselves into groups and are able to control the behaviour of their members and sometimes control the behaviour of others.
You will study the main themes of culture and identity, power, social class, gender and ethnicity and consider how they affect an individual or group’s life chances. You will also develop a sophisticated knowledge and understanding of the major sociological theories underpinning research and the specific research models employed by sociologists.


The overall aims of the course are to give students opportunities to develop an understanding and awareness of:

  • society in all its diverse aspects, with particular reference to the chosen syllabus topics
  • patterns of advantage and disadvantage, for example, in relation to gender, ethnicity, class, age and culture
  • the importance of constructive discussion, collaborative work and the ethics and skills of research
  • the ability to be receptive to different viewpoints in order to evaluate information and ideas to reach their own balanced judgements
Who should do this course?

This course is ideal for students considering going on to further education at university. It will help students develop analytical and evaluative skills and help students write essays in a logical and coherent manner.

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