Medicine Ball Challenge Update – 12/09/2023


Medicine Ball Challenge – Update


We are now on our 6th day and it’s fair to say that both are feeling the strain.

Mr Awdry is having to be creative in order to support the ball whilst writing on the board and Miss Slesser is realising just how much she moves around the site in a day.
The response from our students continues to be really positive and many conversations are continuing about how we can help and support each other to help our wellbeing.

Students are going out of the way to offer support and we have received freshly baked cake and offers of support between lessons.

On Tuesday evening Miss Slesser attended the committee meeting for the local foodbank where she was made to feel very welcome. The committee are delighted that our new Community Ambassadors will be working with them and had lots of suggestions as to how they might do this.  We will be having our first collection for the foodbank at the open evening this Thursday 14th September.

Thank you so much to all of you that have supported us so far, either through sponsorship or moral support – it is greatly appreciated.  Our current fundraising total is £669.

If you would like to sponsor us it can be done through either of the links below.

The Medicine Ball Challenge (



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