Yr 10 Work Experience

Our Year 10 students took part in work experience last week, 17th – 21st March. The students were encouraged to find their own placements to fit with their individual career ideas or activities they enjoy. There was a wide range of placements including Engineering, Education and Pre School, Farming, Animal Care, Construction, Office based, Hairdressing, Retail and many more.

These photos show some of the amazing opportunities they had whilst on placement.
A big thank you to all of the employers who supported us with our work experience programme.

England Netball National Schools Tournament 2025

Please help us in showing our students the best of luck for tomorrows ENGLAND NETBALL NATIONAL SCHOOLS TOURNAMENT!!!!!!
This is the first time Branston Community Academy will be represented in this national tournament. BCA will be representing both the region and our academy, competing against the top national schools. Making it to the top 18 in the country is no small feat, we could not be prouder of the aspiration and determination this team has displayed over the last six months competing to this moment.
Thank you, PE!!!!Netball-Nationals-schools-Tournament

P.E. Fixtures & Results 2024-2025

The latest P.E. fixtures and results can be found below!

Good luck to those that are playing! 🥇🥈🥉

Wed 26th MarYr 8 Football Pembroke (H)Finish by 5-15pm
Mon 24th MarYr 8 and Y10B NetballLCA A (H)Finish by 4-45pmBoth matches Postponed
Sat 22nd MarYr 9 Netball National Finals In Sheffield
Thu 20th MarYr 9 and Yr 8B NetballW Farr (H)Finish by 5-45pmYr 9 won 15-0
Yr 8 B Lost 15-0
Thu 20th Mar Yr 8 Boys Football W Farr (H)Finish by 5-45pmYr 8 Lost 2-0
Tue 18th MarYr 9 Boys Football - County Cup Semi-Final Kings School, Grantham (A)Back for 6pmYr 9 Won 3-2
Thu 13th Mar Yr 10B & 9B NetballLCHS (A)5-45 returnPostponed
Wed 12th MarYr 10 NetballW Farr (H)Finish at 5pmYr 10 Lost  26-15
Tue 11th MarYr 7, 9 & 11 NetballQEHS (H)Finish at 515 to 5-30pmYr 7 Lost 10-7
Yr 9 Won 48-7
Yr 11 Lost 43-22
Tue 11th MarYr 8 & 9 FootballQEHS (H)Finish at 515 to 5-30pmYr 8 Won 3-2
Yr 9 Postponed
Mon 10th MarYr 10 Boys FootballLSST (H)Finished by 5-55pmNot played
Thu 6th Mar7B & 9A Netball at LSSTLSST (A)5-45 returnYr 7B Lost 4-1
Yr 9A won 14-9
Thu 6th MarYr 9 FootballLSST (A)5-45 returnYr 9 Won 5-1
Tue 4th MarYr 7A & 9B NetballSRPA (H)Finish at 5-15 to 5-30pmYr 7A Lost 10-18
Yr 9B Won 18-14
Tue 4th MarYr 7 Football SRPA (H)Finish at 5-15 to 5-30pmYr 7 Lost 6-1
Mon 3rd MarYr 9 Boys Football W Farr (A)Return for 6pmYr 9 Won 2-1
Mon 3rd MarYr 8 NetballW Farr (A)Return for 6pmYr 8 Won 32-11
Thu 27th FebYr 7 NetballMinster (A)Finish by 5-30pm Yr 7 won 22-7
Thu 27th FebYR 8 Boys FootballNK (H)Finish by 5-15pm
Parents are welcome
Yr 8 Won 2-1
Thu 27th FebYr 10 Boys A FootballPCLA (H)Finish by 5-30pm Parents are welcomeYr 10 Lost 1-0
Wed 26th Feb Yr 10 Boys B FootballTGA A (H)Finish by 5-30pm Parents are welcomePostponed
Tue 25th FebYr 7 Boys FootballLSST (H)Finish by 5-30pm Parents are welcomeYr 7 Lost 2-3
Mon 24th Feb Yr 9 Football County Cup QEHS, Alford (A)Back for 5-15pmYr 9 Won 2-1
Thu 13th Feb Yr 10 Netball (H)PCLA (H)Finish by 5-15pmYr 10 Won 15-4
Wed 12th FebYr 9 & 10 Boys BadmintonLCHS (H)Finish by 5-15pm9A Drew 3-3
9B Lost 5-1
Yr 10 We forfeited A and B matches
Tue 11th FebYr 9B Netball  Yr 9A Minster (H)Finished during school timeYr 9 'B' Won 16-1
Tue 11th Feb Yr 9 A Netball  Yr 11 Minster (H)Finished during school timeYr 9'A' Won 32-5
Thu 6th FebYr 7'B' NetballPCLA (A)Back for 5-15 to 5-30pmBCA Won 8-6
Thu 6th Feb Yr 8 NetballMinster (H)Finish TBCBCA Won 22-5
Wed 5th FebYr 9 NetballKEVIGS, Louth (A)Back for 5-30pmGame Was postponed
Wed 5th Feb Yr 7 & 9 Boys BadmintonLSST (A)Back for 5-45pmYr 7 Lost 4-2
Yr 9 A & B lost 6-0
Tue 4th FebYr 10 NetballMinster (H)Finish by 5-15pmGame Was postponed
Tue 4th Feb Yr 8 Girls 7-a-side football tournamentLCHS (A)Back by 6pmBCA Finished 6th
Thu 30th JanYr 8 Boys Football County CupSRPA (H)Finish by end of dayDrew 1-1
Wed 29th JanYr 11 NetballMinster (H)Back for 5pmBCA Lost 32-9
Wed 29th JanYr 7 NetballLSST (A)Back for 5-30BCA Lost 11-4
Wed 29th Jan Yr 10 & 9 Boys BadmintonLCHS (A)Back for 5-45pmGame Was postponed
Tue 28th JanYr 10 Boys Football County CupBoston Grammar (H)Finish by end of day2-2  l  Lost 8-7 on pens
Tue 28th Jan Yr 7 & 9 Boys BadmintonW Farr (A)Back for 6pmAll teams lost 5-1
Thu 23rd Jan Yr 3 and 4 Sports Hall Games Finish by 5-30pm
Wed 22nd Jan Yr 7 Boys 5-a-side football tournament at BCAFinish by 5-15pmBCA Won 2-0
Tue 21st Jan Yr 7 Boys FootballBourne Grammar (H)Finish by end of schoolBCA Lost 5-3
Mon 20th Jan YR 9 Boys FootballBourne Grammar (A)Back For 5pmBCA Finished 3rd
Thu 16th Jan Yr 10 NetballLCA (A)Back For 5pm BCA Won 19-5
Thu 16th Jan Yr 7 & 9 Boys BadmintonSRPA (H)Finished by 5:15pm Y7 Boys won 5-1
9 'A' Boys won 5-1
9 'B Boys lost 4-2
Tue 14th JanYr 9 Girls BadmintonMinster (H)Finished by the end of the day BCA Lost 5-1
Tue 14th JanYr 8 Boys 5-a-side tournamentLSST (A)Back for 5:30pmBCA Finished 3rd
Thu 9th JanYr 10 County Cup Boys FootballBoston Grammar (H)Finish by end of day, unless it goes penalties Postponed
Wed 8th JanYr 9 and 10 'A' and 'B' Boys BadmintonLCHS (A)Back for 5-45pmPostponed
Tue 10th Dec Yr 8 & 10 Boys BadmintonPCLA (H)Finish by 530pmBCA lost 2-1 After Extra Time.
Mon 9th DecYr 7 Girls Football Bourne Grammar (H)Finish in school timeBCA lost 10-0
Tue 3rd DecYr 8 'A' & 'B' Boys
Yr 10 'A' & 'B' Boys Badminton
LSSTFinish by 5-30pmYr 8 Boys
'A' won 5-1
'B' Lost 4-2

Yr 10 Boys
'A' won 5-1
'B' won 5-1
Thu 28th NovYr 7 Boys County CupBanovallum (H)Finish by end of schoolBCA1-0 Banovallum
Wed 27th NovYr 8/9 NetballWitham (A)Return for 5-00pmBCA 20-4 Witham
Wed 27th Nov Yr 10 Boys National Cup Rd 4The Hayfields School (H)Finish by end of day, unless extra time and pensBCA  2-0 Hayfields School
Tue 26th NovYr 8 Boys  County Cup St Georges (H)Finish by end of schoolBCA 2-0  St Georges
Mon 25th NovY8/9 Girls Football County CupSt Georges (A)Back for end of dayPostponed
Thu 21st NovYr10 'A' Football National Cup South Axholme (H)Finish by end of school hopefullyGame postponed but awarded to Branston by toss of coin
Wed 20th NovYr7 Football County Cup Banovallum (H)Finished within school timePostponed
Tue 19th NovYr8/9 Girls Football County Cup St Georges (A)Back for around 16:00postponed
Tue 19th NovYr 9 Football  County Cup Bourne Grammar (A)Back for around 16:00postponed
Fri 15th NovYr 7 to 13 District Cross Country at Riseholme UniversityFinishes before school ends. 13 Students qualified for The Lincolnshire Cross Country Championships
Thu 14th NovYr 8 & 10 Boys and Yr 9 Girls BadmintonW Farr (H)Finish for 17:15Boys
8 'A' Drew 3-3
8'B' Lost 1-5
10'A' Lost 4-2
10'B' Lost 6-0
Yr9 Girls lost 6-0
Tue 12th NovY10 'B' Football National Cup Rd 2Boston Grammar (H)14:00 Kick Off
Finishes for 15:30
Yr10 'B' Lost 2-1
Wed 6th Nov5 a-side Tournament:
Yr8 Girls
SRPA (A)Return for 18:00Yr 8 Finished 1st
Wed 6th NovYr 10 Football County CupDeepings, Peterbrough (H)13:00 Kick off
No Spectators Allowed
3-3 After Extra Time
Y10 Won 5-4 On Pens
Tue 5th NovBadminton:
Yr8 & Yr10 Boys and Yr 9 Girls
Pembroke (A)Return for 17:45Yr 8 Boys A Lost 6-0
Yr 8 Boys B Lost 6-0
Yr 10 Boys A Won 6-0
Yr 9 Girls Lost 6-0
Thu 31st OctBadminton:
Yr 8 & 10 Boys
Yr 9 Girls
SRPA (A)Back for 17:45Yr 8 'A' Boys Drew 3-3
Yr 8 'B' Boys Lost 5-1
Yr 10 Boys Won 5-1
Yr 9 Girls Lost 5-1
Thu 31st OctNetball:
Yr 11 'B'
LCA (H)Finishes 17:15Y11 'B' beat LCA 'A' 16-9
Wed 30th Oct5-a-side football tournament:
Yr7 & 9 Girls
Pembroke (A)Back for 17:30Y7 Finished 3rd
Y8/9 Finished 3rd
Thu 17th OctYr 7 FootballPembroke (H)16:00 pm start
17:30 pick up
2-2 draw
Tue 15th OctU14 NetballDistrict Netball Tournament at BCA18:00 finishBCA  24-0   LSST
BCA  26-2   W Farr
BCA  27-0   Minster
Finish: 1st place : Through to County Finals
Tue 15th OctYr 11 FootballWitham (A)18:00 returnYr 10 B beat NK 'A' 10-0
Thu 10th OctY7 & Y10 Football - LeagueNK (H)18.15 pick up from BCAY7 drew 2-2
Y10 won 10-0
Wed 9th OctU14 & 16 District netball Tournament at BCA18.00 finishY8 Postponed
Y7 won 8-0
Tue 8th OctY8 Football - LeaguePembroke (H)17.30 finishPostponed
Mon 7th OctY10 Football - National CupW Farr (H)17.30 finishBCA won 4-0

Nursery Practitioner – Vacancy

We have the following vacancy in our nursery:


We are looking to appoint a full-time Nursery Practitioner to join our dedicated and hard-working team committed to outstanding practice.

The working hours are 37 hours per week. Appropriate Level 3 qualification essential.

For further information, please call 01522 880420 or

email: enquiries@branstonca.lincs.sch.uk or nursery@branstonca.lincs.sch.uk

Closing Date: Wednesday 2nd April 2025


Teacher Of Science – Vacancy

TEACHER OF SCIENCE – (0.4 – 0.8) – (Part Time)


Required for Easter 2025

Branston Community Academy is an 11-18 comprehensive located on the outskirts of the beautiful cathedral city of Lincoln.

We are seeking to recruit a highly dedicated Teacher of Science for September 2025 Part time . You will need to be passionate about the subject and be a motivated, enthusiastic practitioner willing to contribute fully to our curricular and extra-curricular programmes. This is an exciting opportunity for either an experienced or Early Career Teacher to join our successful Science department.

Closing Date: Tuesday 1st April 2025 12 noon

For more information on this vacancy, visit the link below:

Application forms are available on our Applications page or for further information please contact:

Email: enquiries@branstonca.lincs.sch.uk
Tel: 01522 880400

Teacher Of Science – Vacancy

TEACHER OF SCIENCE – (1.0) – (Full Time)


Required for Easter 2025

Branston Community Academy is an 11-18 comprehensive located on the outskirts of the beautiful cathedral city of Lincoln.

We are seeking to recruit a highly dedicated Teacher of Science for April 2025 Full time . You will need to be passionate about the subject and be a motivated, enthusiastic practitioner willing to contribute fully to our curricular and extra-curricular programmes. This is an exciting opportunity for either an experienced or Early Career Teacher to join our successful Science department.

Closing Date: Friday 28th March 2025 12 noon

For more information on this vacancy, visit the link below:

Application forms are available on our Applications page or for further information please contact:

Email: enquiries@branstonca.lincs.sch.uk
Tel: 01522 880400