Food Technology – Celebration Cakes

Celebrating Year 10 with some amazing cakes! 🎂 Despite the rush (only 65 minutes!), the students showed incredible resilience and creativity.

The icing might have melted a bit, but the quality of the sponge was superb.

A special shoutout to Panayotis for winning the day! Congratulations! 👏🎉

Food Technology – Chicken Kievs

Year 10 students made chicken kievs this week. The students have been practicing making meals with accompaniments and serving at the same time. They looked and smelt amazing!

Food Technology – Christmas Baking 2023

Our students have been getting into the Christmas spirit this week, with a variety of recipes.

Below are some examples of some Year 10 Yule logs and Christmas reindeer biscuits by Years 8 and 11.

Food Technology – Y10 Swiss Rolls

An excellent effort at Swiss rolls by Mrs Lawrence’s Year 10 group. Please find more photos of the students work below.

Geography – Withernsea 2023

The Geography department have just finished three days of year 10 GCSE fieldwork with over 140+ students collecting data in Withernsea. They completed beach profiles, groyne measurements, field sketches and questionnaires. They all worked incredibly hard and will now use the data back in the classroom in preparation for their exams.