Yr 10 Work Experience

Our Year 10 students took part in work experience last week, 17th – 21st March. The students were encouraged to find their own placements to fit with their individual career ideas or activities they enjoy. There was a wide range of placements including Engineering, Education and Pre School, Farming, Animal Care, Construction, Office based, Hairdressing, Retail and many more.

These photos show some of the amazing opportunities they had whilst on placement.
A big thank you to all of the employers who supported us with our work experience programme.

England Netball National Schools Tournament 2025

Please help us in showing our students the best of luck for tomorrows ENGLAND NETBALL NATIONAL SCHOOLS TOURNAMENT!!!!!!
This is the first time Branston Community Academy will be represented in this national tournament. BCA will be representing both the region and our academy, competing against the top national schools. Making it to the top 18 in the country is no small feat, we could not be prouder of the aspiration and determination this team has displayed over the last six months competing to this moment.
Thank you, PE!!!!Netball-Nationals-schools-Tournament

Worry Boxes

Please see the Worry boxes that 7MI have been making during tutor as part of their  feeling low topic this week.


Visit To RAF Waddington

On Tuesday 21st February we took 22 service students and members of the aviation club to RAF Waddington to visit the Red Arrows. Students got to hear about how the jets were maintained, what type of training they do and most importantly they got to sit in the jets!


It was fantastic to see how passionate and enthusiastic the students were, they had lots of questions and showed off an impressive knowledge of aviation.

Little Shop of Horrors

Little Shop Of Horrors Poster
Little Shop Of Horrors
Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th 2025
Humble floral assistant Seymour Krelborn discovers a new breed of plant he names “Audrey II” – after his co-worker crush. This outspoken, opinionated, singing carnivore promises endless fame and fortune to the down and out Krelborn as long as he keeps feeding it, BLOOD. As Audrey ll grows and grows, it offers Seymour the kind of success he could only ever dream of… as long as he keeps feeding it!
Blooming with favourites including Little Shop of HorrorsSuddenly Seymour and Skid Row (Downtown), this hilarious rock musical is out of this world.
Tickets to see the show on Tuesday and Wednesday will be £8. On the Thursday we have a Gala performance to an invited audience and on Friday we are having a final Gala performance where your ticket is going to include drink and nibbles. Tickets for the Final Gala Performance will be £10.
The tickets will be available to purchase by following the link below which will take you to the school shop.During each performance we will be selling programmes so don’t forget your change!
We look Forward to seeing you there!

Online Shop

Please find below a link to our online shop, where you can purchase various items such as revision books and maths equipment.

Once you have added your items to the basket, you will be directed to the payment page for card payment. When filling out your details, it will ask for your student’s name. If you do not have a student attending the school, you can enter your name instead.

After completing your order, you will be redirected to the main page of the shop, and an email with your order details will be sent to you.