Subject Ambassadors

One of several changes and developments at the Academy over the past year has been the introduction of our subject ambassadors. A new initiative to give students more input and responsibility within their school community.

In years 8-13 each academic subject nominates two students in every year group to represent them as a department. Currently we have over 200 subject ambassadors within the Academy.

Whilst each specific subject area will have its own individualised roles and responsibilities for the students there are also some whole school expectations of the ambassadors, for example, representing their department at the Academy open evening in September.

Students gain a huge amount from the role, including developing their initiative, organisational skills and teamworking ability. Specifically, for our 6th form students it gives them an additional aspect to include on their UCAS application.

In the future we hope to develop a Subject Ambassadors webpage linked to the Academy website where students will be able to write and post ‘blogs’ about what is going on in their particular area.

This area is very much a developing progress and it is very much a case of watch this space…….

Mr D Inman
(Assistant Principal)

Poetry Winner – Adam Louis Caudle-Oldfield (Y9)

Armistice Competition

A poem written by Adam Louis Caudle-Oldfield of Year 9 has been chosen for a national competition!

The Armistice 100 Competition, run by the University of Lincoln to commemorate the centenary of Armistice Day received 544 entries from students all over the country.

Every poem submitted was read by the Poet Laureate Dame Carol Ann Duffy and her fellow judges. The judges were extremely impressed with the quality of the writing received.

I am certain that you will join us in celebrating the huge success of Adam Louis Caudle-Oldfield (Y9), with his poem ‘The Cost of Peace’ making it into ‘The Armistice 100’ book, created as part of The Armistice 100 Prize for Schools Poetry. An Awesome achievement.

Online Safety Guides

We recently updated our Online Safety page with some new and useful ‘parent guides’ for the Pokémon Go game and also social media apps including Yellow, Snap Map, Sarahah, GoBubble and

There are lots of other guides there which we think you would find useful.


We are currently working towards achieving the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. In line with expectations we expect to complete these in full by December 2020.

Our Careers Programme will be published on our website later this academic year.