Behaviour Management System – September 2022 update

In September 2019 the Academy implemented a new behaviour management system. Students who are issued with a teacher referral (Previously a green slip) were given sanctions on a progressive scale. These sanctions will be consistent throughout all subjects at the Academy.

Parents/Guardians are made aware of any sanction issued via the parent app.

Referrals may be issued for infringements such as, persistent disruptive behaviour, a lack of effort or persistent lateness, for example.

As a guide the following is a basic outline of our new (updated) system, and the minimum sanctions imposed will be:

Referral 1 – Warning

Referral 2 – Departmental Lunch detention

Referral 3 – Departmental Lunch detention

Referral 4 – After school detention

Referral 5 – After school detention and 1‐week separation

Referral 6 – After school detention and 2‐week separation

Referral 7 and all referrals after – As referral 6.

It is important to remind ourselves here that the behaviour of our students on the whole is at least good and hopefully for the vast majority the above information is just that, for information only.

Mr Inman

Vice Principal