Category: P.E. Dept.
P.E. Fixtures & Results 2024-2025
The latest P.E. fixtures and results can be found below!
Good luck to those that are playing! 🥇🥈🥉
2024/2025 | Team | Against | Finish/Return | Results |
Wed 26th Mar | Yr 8 Football | Pembroke (H) | Finish by 5-15pm | |
Mon 24th Mar | Yr 8 and Y10B Netball | LCA A (H) | Finish by 4-45pm | Both matches Postponed |
Sat 22nd Mar | Yr 9 Netball | National Finals In Sheffield | ||
Thu 20th Mar | Yr 9 and Yr 8B Netball | W Farr (H) | Finish by 5-45pm | Yr 9 won 15-0 Yr 8 B Lost 15-0 |
Thu 20th Mar | Yr 8 Boys Football | W Farr (H) | Finish by 5-45pm | Yr 8 Lost 2-0 |
Tue 18th Mar | Yr 9 Boys Football - County Cup Semi-Final | Kings School, Grantham (A) | Back for 6pm | Yr 9 Won 3-2 |
Thu 13th Mar | Yr 10B & 9B Netball | LCHS (A) | 5-45 return | Postponed |
Wed 12th Mar | Yr 10 Netball | W Farr (H) | Finish at 5pm | Yr 10 Lost 26-15 |
Tue 11th Mar | Yr 7, 9 & 11 Netball | QEHS (H) | Finish at 515 to 5-30pm | Yr 7 Lost 10-7 Yr 9 Won 48-7 Yr 11 Lost 43-22 |
Tue 11th Mar | Yr 8 & 9 Football | QEHS (H) | Finish at 515 to 5-30pm | Yr 8 Won 3-2 Yr 9 Postponed |
Mon 10th Mar | Yr 10 Boys Football | LSST (H) | Finished by 5-55pm | Not played |
Thu 6th Mar | 7B & 9A Netball at LSST | LSST (A) | 5-45 return | Yr 7B Lost 4-1 Yr 9A won 14-9 |
Thu 6th Mar | Yr 9 Football | LSST (A) | 5-45 return | Yr 9 Won 5-1 |
Tue 4th Mar | Yr 7A & 9B Netball | SRPA (H) | Finish at 5-15 to 5-30pm | Yr 7A Lost 10-18 Yr 9B Won 18-14 |
Tue 4th Mar | Yr 7 Football | SRPA (H) | Finish at 5-15 to 5-30pm | Yr 7 Lost 6-1 |
Mon 3rd Mar | Yr 9 Boys Football | W Farr (A) | Return for 6pm | Yr 9 Won 2-1 |
Mon 3rd Mar | Yr 8 Netball | W Farr (A) | Return for 6pm | Yr 8 Won 32-11 |
Thu 27th Feb | Yr 7 Netball | Minster (A) | Finish by 5-30pm | Yr 7 won 22-7 |
Thu 27th Feb | YR 8 Boys Football | NK (H) | Finish by 5-15pm Parents are welcome | Yr 8 Won 2-1 |
Thu 27th Feb | Yr 10 Boys A Football | PCLA (H) | Finish by 5-30pm Parents are welcome | Yr 10 Lost 1-0 |
Wed 26th Feb | Yr 10 Boys B Football | TGA A (H) | Finish by 5-30pm Parents are welcome | Postponed |
Tue 25th Feb | Yr 7 Boys Football | LSST (H) | Finish by 5-30pm Parents are welcome | Yr 7 Lost 2-3 |
Mon 24th Feb | Yr 9 Football County Cup | QEHS, Alford (A) | Back for 5-15pm | Yr 9 Won 2-1 |
Thu 13th Feb | Yr 10 Netball (H) | PCLA (H) | Finish by 5-15pm | Yr 10 Won 15-4 |
Wed 12th Feb | Yr 9 & 10 Boys Badminton | LCHS (H) | Finish by 5-15pm | 9A Drew 3-3 9B Lost 5-1 Yr 10 We forfeited A and B matches |
Tue 11th Feb | Yr 9B Netball | Yr 9A Minster (H) | Finished during school time | Yr 9 'B' Won 16-1 |
Tue 11th Feb | Yr 9 A Netball | Yr 11 Minster (H) | Finished during school time | Yr 9'A' Won 32-5 |
Thu 6th Feb | Yr 7'B' Netball | PCLA (A) | Back for 5-15 to 5-30pm | BCA Won 8-6 |
Thu 6th Feb | Yr 8 Netball | Minster (H) | Finish TBC | BCA Won 22-5 |
Wed 5th Feb | Yr 9 Netball | KEVIGS, Louth (A) | Back for 5-30pm | Game Was postponed |
Wed 5th Feb | Yr 7 & 9 Boys Badminton | LSST (A) | Back for 5-45pm | Yr 7 Lost 4-2 Yr 9 A & B lost 6-0 |
Tue 4th Feb | Yr 10 Netball | Minster (H) | Finish by 5-15pm | Game Was postponed |
Tue 4th Feb | Yr 8 Girls 7-a-side football tournament | LCHS (A) | Back by 6pm | BCA Finished 6th |
Thu 30th Jan | Yr 8 Boys Football County Cup | SRPA (H) | Finish by end of day | Drew 1-1 |
Wed 29th Jan | Yr 11 Netball | Minster (H) | Back for 5pm | BCA Lost 32-9 |
Wed 29th Jan | Yr 7 Netball | LSST (A) | Back for 5-30 | BCA Lost 11-4 |
Wed 29th Jan | Yr 10 & 9 Boys Badminton | LCHS (A) | Back for 5-45pm | Game Was postponed |
Tue 28th Jan | Yr 10 Boys Football County Cup | Boston Grammar (H) | Finish by end of day | 2-2 l Lost 8-7 on pens |
Tue 28th Jan | Yr 7 & 9 Boys Badminton | W Farr (A) | Back for 6pm | All teams lost 5-1 |
Thu 23rd Jan | Yr 3 and 4 Sports Hall Games | Finish by 5-30pm | ||
Wed 22nd Jan | Yr 7 Boys 5-a-side football tournament at BCA | Finish by 5-15pm | BCA Won 2-0 | |
Tue 21st Jan | Yr 7 Boys Football | Bourne Grammar (H) | Finish by end of school | BCA Lost 5-3 |
Mon 20th Jan | YR 9 Boys Football | Bourne Grammar (A) | Back For 5pm | BCA Finished 3rd |
Thu 16th Jan | Yr 10 Netball | LCA (A) | Back For 5pm | BCA Won 19-5 |
Thu 16th Jan | Yr 7 & 9 Boys Badminton | SRPA (H) | Finished by 5:15pm | Y7 Boys won 5-1 9 'A' Boys won 5-1 9 'B Boys lost 4-2 |
Tue 14th Jan | Yr 9 Girls Badminton | Minster (H) | Finished by the end of the day | BCA Lost 5-1 |
Tue 14th Jan | Yr 8 Boys 5-a-side tournament | LSST (A) | Back for 5:30pm | BCA Finished 3rd |
Thu 9th Jan | Yr 10 County Cup Boys Football | Boston Grammar (H) | Finish by end of day, unless it goes penalties | Postponed |
Wed 8th Jan | Yr 9 and 10 'A' and 'B' Boys Badminton | LCHS (A) | Back for 5-45pm | Postponed |
Tue 10th Dec | Yr 8 & 10 Boys Badminton | PCLA (H) | Finish by 530pm | BCA lost 2-1 After Extra Time. |
Mon 9th Dec | Yr 7 Girls Football | Bourne Grammar (H) | Finish in school time | BCA lost 10-0 |
Tue 3rd Dec | Yr 8 'A' & 'B' Boys Yr 10 'A' & 'B' Boys Badminton | LSST | Finish by 5-30pm | Yr 8 Boys 'A' won 5-1 'B' Lost 4-2 Yr 10 Boys 'A' won 5-1 'B' won 5-1 |
Thu 28th Nov | Yr 7 Boys County Cup | Banovallum (H) | Finish by end of school | BCA1-0 Banovallum |
Wed 27th Nov | Yr 8/9 Netball | Witham (A) | Return for 5-00pm | BCA 20-4 Witham |
Wed 27th Nov | Yr 10 Boys National Cup Rd 4 | The Hayfields School (H) | Finish by end of day, unless extra time and pens | BCA 2-0 Hayfields School |
Tue 26th Nov | Yr 8 Boys County Cup | St Georges (H) | Finish by end of school | BCA 2-0 St Georges |
Mon 25th Nov | Y8/9 Girls Football County Cup | St Georges (A) | Back for end of day | Postponed |
Thu 21st Nov | Yr10 'A' Football National Cup | South Axholme (H) | Finish by end of school hopefully | Game postponed but awarded to Branston by toss of coin |
Wed 20th Nov | Yr7 Football County Cup | Banovallum (H) | Finished within school time | Postponed |
Tue 19th Nov | Yr8/9 Girls Football County Cup | St Georges (A) | Back for around 16:00 | postponed |
Tue 19th Nov | Yr 9 Football County Cup | Bourne Grammar (A) | Back for around 16:00 | postponed |
Fri 15th Nov | Yr 7 to 13 District Cross Country at Riseholme University | Finishes before school ends. | 13 Students qualified for The Lincolnshire Cross Country Championships | |
Thu 14th Nov | Yr 8 & 10 Boys and Yr 9 Girls Badminton | W Farr (H) | Finish for 17:15 | Boys 8 'A' Drew 3-3 8'B' Lost 1-5 10'A' Lost 4-2 10'B' Lost 6-0 Yr9 Girls lost 6-0 |
Tue 12th Nov | Y10 'B' Football National Cup Rd 2 | Boston Grammar (H) | 14:00 Kick Off Finishes for 15:30 | Yr10 'B' Lost 2-1 |
Wed 6th Nov | 5 a-side Tournament: Yr8 Girls | SRPA (A) | Return for 18:00 | Yr 8 Finished 1st |
Wed 6th Nov | Yr 10 Football County Cup | Deepings, Peterbrough (H) | 13:00 Kick off No Spectators Allowed | 3-3 After Extra Time Y10 Won 5-4 On Pens |
Tue 5th Nov | Badminton: Yr8 & Yr10 Boys and Yr 9 Girls | Pembroke (A) | Return for 17:45 | Yr 8 Boys A Lost 6-0 Yr 8 Boys B Lost 6-0 Yr 10 Boys A Won 6-0 Yr 9 Girls Lost 6-0 |
Thu 31st Oct | Badminton: Yr 8 & 10 Boys Yr 9 Girls | SRPA (A) | Back for 17:45 | Yr 8 'A' Boys Drew 3-3 Yr 8 'B' Boys Lost 5-1 Yr 10 Boys Won 5-1 Yr 9 Girls Lost 5-1 |
Thu 31st Oct | Netball: Yr 11 'B' | LCA (H) | Finishes 17:15 | Y11 'B' beat LCA 'A' 16-9 |
Wed 30th Oct | 5-a-side football tournament: Yr7 & 9 Girls | Pembroke (A) | Back for 17:30 | Y7 Finished 3rd Y8/9 Finished 3rd |
Thu 17th Oct | Yr 7 Football | Pembroke (H) | 16:00 pm start 17:30 pick up | 2-2 draw |
Tue 15th Oct | U14 Netball | District Netball Tournament at BCA | 18:00 finish | BCA 24-0 LSST BCA 26-2 W Farr BCA 27-0 Minster Finish: 1st place : Through to County Finals |
Tue 15th Oct | Yr 11 Football | Witham (A) | 18:00 return | Yr 10 B beat NK 'A' 10-0 |
Thu 10th Oct | Y7 & Y10 Football - League | NK (H) | 18.15 pick up from BCA | Y7 drew 2-2 Y10 won 10-0 |
Wed 9th Oct | U14 & 16 District netball Tournament at BCA | 18.00 finish | Y8 Postponed Y7 won 8-0 |
Tue 8th Oct | Y8 Football - League | Pembroke (H) | 17.30 finish | Postponed |
Mon 7th Oct | Y10 Football - National Cup | W Farr (H) | 17.30 finish | BCA won 4-0 |
BCA Netball Regional Champions
Our U14 Netball Team competed in the East Midlands Regional Netball Tournament in Repton on Saturday. Not only did we place first in the tournament, we were also undefeated. Our Branston team will now be in the National Netball Tournament in March. The team demonstrated brilliant skills and team work, their determination and resilience was unmatched!!
The journey to Regionals….
In October, At the District Tournament they were undefeated champions, then in November they were undefeated champions of the County round which then led on to this Saturdays Regional Tournament.
We are incredibly proud of their hard work and determination. We cannot wait to support them to Nationals!
Cross-country running qualifiers.
U14 Netball County Champions 2024!
Y10 Canoeing Assessment
On Monday our Y10 Sport Studies students all took part in a Canoeing Assessment at Caythorpe Court PGL. This assessment is working towards their Outdoor and Adventurous Activity Module and every student made us proud and got stuck in!!
Those that fell in the water… We hope you have finally warmed up!
Miss.Galvin and Mr.Coward