The latest P.E. fixtures and results can be found below!
Good luck to those that are playing! 🥇🥈🥉
2024/2025 | Team | Against | Finish/Return | Results |
Wed 26th Mar | Yr 8 Football | Pembroke (H) | Finish by 5-15pm | |
Mon 24th Mar | Yr 8 and Y10B Netball | LCA A (H) | Finish by 4-45pm | Both matches Postponed |
Sat 22nd Mar | Yr 9 Netball | National Finals In Sheffield | ||
Thu 20th Mar | Yr 9 and Yr 8B Netball | W Farr (H) | Finish by 5-45pm | Yr 9 won 15-0 Yr 8 B Lost 15-0 |
Thu 20th Mar | Yr 8 Boys Football | W Farr (H) | Finish by 5-45pm | Yr 8 Lost 2-0 |
Tue 18th Mar | Yr 9 Boys Football - County Cup Semi-Final | Kings School, Grantham (A) | Back for 6pm | Yr 9 Won 3-2 |
Thu 13th Mar | Yr 10B & 9B Netball | LCHS (A) | 5-45 return | Postponed |
Wed 12th Mar | Yr 10 Netball | W Farr (H) | Finish at 5pm | Yr 10 Lost 26-15 |
Tue 11th Mar | Yr 7, 9 & 11 Netball | QEHS (H) | Finish at 515 to 5-30pm | Yr 7 Lost 10-7 Yr 9 Won 48-7 Yr 11 Lost 43-22 |
Tue 11th Mar | Yr 8 & 9 Football | QEHS (H) | Finish at 515 to 5-30pm | Yr 8 Won 3-2 Yr 9 Postponed |
Mon 10th Mar | Yr 10 Boys Football | LSST (H) | Finished by 5-55pm | Not played |
Thu 6th Mar | 7B & 9A Netball at LSST | LSST (A) | 5-45 return | Yr 7B Lost 4-1 Yr 9A won 14-9 |
Thu 6th Mar | Yr 9 Football | LSST (A) | 5-45 return | Yr 9 Won 5-1 |
Tue 4th Mar | Yr 7A & 9B Netball | SRPA (H) | Finish at 5-15 to 5-30pm | Yr 7A Lost 10-18 Yr 9B Won 18-14 |
Tue 4th Mar | Yr 7 Football | SRPA (H) | Finish at 5-15 to 5-30pm | Yr 7 Lost 6-1 |
Mon 3rd Mar | Yr 9 Boys Football | W Farr (A) | Return for 6pm | Yr 9 Won 2-1 |
Mon 3rd Mar | Yr 8 Netball | W Farr (A) | Return for 6pm | Yr 8 Won 32-11 |
Thu 27th Feb | Yr 7 Netball | Minster (A) | Finish by 5-30pm | Yr 7 won 22-7 |
Thu 27th Feb | YR 8 Boys Football | NK (H) | Finish by 5-15pm Parents are welcome | Yr 8 Won 2-1 |
Thu 27th Feb | Yr 10 Boys A Football | PCLA (H) | Finish by 5-30pm Parents are welcome | Yr 10 Lost 1-0 |
Wed 26th Feb | Yr 10 Boys B Football | TGA A (H) | Finish by 5-30pm Parents are welcome | Postponed |
Tue 25th Feb | Yr 7 Boys Football | LSST (H) | Finish by 5-30pm Parents are welcome | Yr 7 Lost 2-3 |
Mon 24th Feb | Yr 9 Football County Cup | QEHS, Alford (A) | Back for 5-15pm | Yr 9 Won 2-1 |
Thu 13th Feb | Yr 10 Netball (H) | PCLA (H) | Finish by 5-15pm | Yr 10 Won 15-4 |
Wed 12th Feb | Yr 9 & 10 Boys Badminton | LCHS (H) | Finish by 5-15pm | 9A Drew 3-3 9B Lost 5-1 Yr 10 We forfeited A and B matches |
Tue 11th Feb | Yr 9B Netball | Yr 9A Minster (H) | Finished during school time | Yr 9 'B' Won 16-1 |
Tue 11th Feb | Yr 9 A Netball | Yr 11 Minster (H) | Finished during school time | Yr 9'A' Won 32-5 |
Thu 6th Feb | Yr 7'B' Netball | PCLA (A) | Back for 5-15 to 5-30pm | BCA Won 8-6 |
Thu 6th Feb | Yr 8 Netball | Minster (H) | Finish TBC | BCA Won 22-5 |
Wed 5th Feb | Yr 9 Netball | KEVIGS, Louth (A) | Back for 5-30pm | Game Was postponed |
Wed 5th Feb | Yr 7 & 9 Boys Badminton | LSST (A) | Back for 5-45pm | Yr 7 Lost 4-2 Yr 9 A & B lost 6-0 |
Tue 4th Feb | Yr 10 Netball | Minster (H) | Finish by 5-15pm | Game Was postponed |
Tue 4th Feb | Yr 8 Girls 7-a-side football tournament | LCHS (A) | Back by 6pm | BCA Finished 6th |
Thu 30th Jan | Yr 8 Boys Football County Cup | SRPA (H) | Finish by end of day | Drew 1-1 |
Wed 29th Jan | Yr 11 Netball | Minster (H) | Back for 5pm | BCA Lost 32-9 |
Wed 29th Jan | Yr 7 Netball | LSST (A) | Back for 5-30 | BCA Lost 11-4 |
Wed 29th Jan | Yr 10 & 9 Boys Badminton | LCHS (A) | Back for 5-45pm | Game Was postponed |
Tue 28th Jan | Yr 10 Boys Football County Cup | Boston Grammar (H) | Finish by end of day | 2-2 l Lost 8-7 on pens |
Tue 28th Jan | Yr 7 & 9 Boys Badminton | W Farr (A) | Back for 6pm | All teams lost 5-1 |
Thu 23rd Jan | Yr 3 and 4 Sports Hall Games | Finish by 5-30pm | ||
Wed 22nd Jan | Yr 7 Boys 5-a-side football tournament at BCA | Finish by 5-15pm | BCA Won 2-0 | |
Tue 21st Jan | Yr 7 Boys Football | Bourne Grammar (H) | Finish by end of school | BCA Lost 5-3 |
Mon 20th Jan | YR 9 Boys Football | Bourne Grammar (A) | Back For 5pm | BCA Finished 3rd |
Thu 16th Jan | Yr 10 Netball | LCA (A) | Back For 5pm | BCA Won 19-5 |
Thu 16th Jan | Yr 7 & 9 Boys Badminton | SRPA (H) | Finished by 5:15pm | Y7 Boys won 5-1 9 'A' Boys won 5-1 9 'B Boys lost 4-2 |
Tue 14th Jan | Yr 9 Girls Badminton | Minster (H) | Finished by the end of the day | BCA Lost 5-1 |
Tue 14th Jan | Yr 8 Boys 5-a-side tournament | LSST (A) | Back for 5:30pm | BCA Finished 3rd |
Thu 9th Jan | Yr 10 County Cup Boys Football | Boston Grammar (H) | Finish by end of day, unless it goes penalties | Postponed |
Wed 8th Jan | Yr 9 and 10 'A' and 'B' Boys Badminton | LCHS (A) | Back for 5-45pm | Postponed |
Tue 10th Dec | Yr 8 & 10 Boys Badminton | PCLA (H) | Finish by 530pm | BCA lost 2-1 After Extra Time. |
Mon 9th Dec | Yr 7 Girls Football | Bourne Grammar (H) | Finish in school time | BCA lost 10-0 |
Tue 3rd Dec | Yr 8 'A' & 'B' Boys Yr 10 'A' & 'B' Boys Badminton | LSST | Finish by 5-30pm | Yr 8 Boys 'A' won 5-1 'B' Lost 4-2 Yr 10 Boys 'A' won 5-1 'B' won 5-1 |
Thu 28th Nov | Yr 7 Boys County Cup | Banovallum (H) | Finish by end of school | BCA1-0 Banovallum |
Wed 27th Nov | Yr 8/9 Netball | Witham (A) | Return for 5-00pm | BCA 20-4 Witham |
Wed 27th Nov | Yr 10 Boys National Cup Rd 4 | The Hayfields School (H) | Finish by end of day, unless extra time and pens | BCA 2-0 Hayfields School |
Tue 26th Nov | Yr 8 Boys County Cup | St Georges (H) | Finish by end of school | BCA 2-0 St Georges |
Mon 25th Nov | Y8/9 Girls Football County Cup | St Georges (A) | Back for end of day | Postponed |
Thu 21st Nov | Yr10 'A' Football National Cup | South Axholme (H) | Finish by end of school hopefully | Game postponed but awarded to Branston by toss of coin |
Wed 20th Nov | Yr7 Football County Cup | Banovallum (H) | Finished within school time | Postponed |
Tue 19th Nov | Yr8/9 Girls Football County Cup | St Georges (A) | Back for around 16:00 | postponed |
Tue 19th Nov | Yr 9 Football County Cup | Bourne Grammar (A) | Back for around 16:00 | postponed |
Fri 15th Nov | Yr 7 to 13 District Cross Country at Riseholme University | Finishes before school ends. | 13 Students qualified for The Lincolnshire Cross Country Championships | |
Thu 14th Nov | Yr 8 & 10 Boys and Yr 9 Girls Badminton | W Farr (H) | Finish for 17:15 | Boys 8 'A' Drew 3-3 8'B' Lost 1-5 10'A' Lost 4-2 10'B' Lost 6-0 Yr9 Girls lost 6-0 |
Tue 12th Nov | Y10 'B' Football National Cup Rd 2 | Boston Grammar (H) | 14:00 Kick Off Finishes for 15:30 | Yr10 'B' Lost 2-1 |
Wed 6th Nov | 5 a-side Tournament: Yr8 Girls | SRPA (A) | Return for 18:00 | Yr 8 Finished 1st |
Wed 6th Nov | Yr 10 Football County Cup | Deepings, Peterbrough (H) | 13:00 Kick off No Spectators Allowed | 3-3 After Extra Time Y10 Won 5-4 On Pens |
Tue 5th Nov | Badminton: Yr8 & Yr10 Boys and Yr 9 Girls | Pembroke (A) | Return for 17:45 | Yr 8 Boys A Lost 6-0 Yr 8 Boys B Lost 6-0 Yr 10 Boys A Won 6-0 Yr 9 Girls Lost 6-0 |
Thu 31st Oct | Badminton: Yr 8 & 10 Boys Yr 9 Girls | SRPA (A) | Back for 17:45 | Yr 8 'A' Boys Drew 3-3 Yr 8 'B' Boys Lost 5-1 Yr 10 Boys Won 5-1 Yr 9 Girls Lost 5-1 |
Thu 31st Oct | Netball: Yr 11 'B' | LCA (H) | Finishes 17:15 | Y11 'B' beat LCA 'A' 16-9 |
Wed 30th Oct | 5-a-side football tournament: Yr7 & 9 Girls | Pembroke (A) | Back for 17:30 | Y7 Finished 3rd Y8/9 Finished 3rd |
Thu 17th Oct | Yr 7 Football | Pembroke (H) | 16:00 pm start 17:30 pick up | 2-2 draw |
Tue 15th Oct | U14 Netball | District Netball Tournament at BCA | 18:00 finish | BCA 24-0 LSST BCA 26-2 W Farr BCA 27-0 Minster Finish: 1st place : Through to County Finals |
Tue 15th Oct | Yr 11 Football | Witham (A) | 18:00 return | Yr 10 B beat NK 'A' 10-0 |
Thu 10th Oct | Y7 & Y10 Football - League | NK (H) | 18.15 pick up from BCA | Y7 drew 2-2 Y10 won 10-0 |
Wed 9th Oct | U14 & 16 District netball Tournament at BCA | 18.00 finish | Y8 Postponed Y7 won 8-0 |
Tue 8th Oct | Y8 Football - League | Pembroke (H) | 17.30 finish | Postponed |
Mon 7th Oct | Y10 Football - National Cup | W Farr (H) | 17.30 finish | BCA won 4-0 |