Meet the Team
This year, we’ve been fortunate to have an incredible team of staff and volunteers. Their dedication and hard work have been essential in making this award possible. We couldn’t have done it without them!
Bronze Update
The 2023/24 expedition season has come to a close, and what a brilliant season it has been! We’ve held two training days, and numerous lunchtime and evening sessions, all culminating in our qualifying weekend.
Our students have worked hard, both individually and in groups, to gain confidence and learn new skills, apply them in the field, and overcome challenges along the way. The heat during the qualifying weekend made for some very challenging walking, yet they persevered with incredible resilience and determination.
We are extremely proud of our students, who have truly been a credit to the Academy. Now, they just need to complete their projects and wrap up their volunteering, physical, and skills sections to earn their awards. Many are just an Assessor’s report away from finishing.
Meet the 2024 Duke of Edinburgh team and explore our gallery of photos from this year’s sessions below.