Please see our closure procedure here:
Author: Mr Holford
Sixth Form Open Evening
on our full range of courses starting September 2020
Wednesday 30th October 2019, 6.30pm – 8.00pm
Principal’s address at 6.30pm (Concert Hall)
Subject Staff available 6.30pm to 8.00pm (Sports Hall)
Application Packs available now.
For more details of the evening or to obtain a prospectus please phone
01522 880400 or email
DofE Notice 30-09-19
DofE application forms to be with Mr Ritchie by the 4th of October. ParentPay to open next week for payments.
Dates for the Diary:
Training day (Bronze and Silver): 18/01/2020
Bronze Practice Expedition: 16-17/05/2020
Bronze Assessed Expedition: 20-21/06/2020
Silver Practice Expedition: 28-29-30/05/2020
Silver Assessed Expedition: 3-4-5/07/2020
Events added to Facebook
If you click on the link below you can see our events for the year on our Facebook Page
2019-2020 Calendar
DofE Expedition Letters
Letters have gone out for the Bronze and Silver DofE practice expedition. These need to be returned to Mr Ritchie as soon as possible.
Students should be thinking about their meal plan, with a wealth of information to be found on the internet.
Bronze Practice Expedition parent letter
Silver Practice Expedition parent letter