Sixth Form Open Evening


on our full range of courses starting September 2020

Wednesday 30th October 2019, 6.30pm – 8.00pm

Principal’s address at 6.30pm (Concert Hall)
Subject Staff available 6.30pm to 8.00pm (Sports Hall)

Application Packs available now.

For more details of the evening or to obtain a prospectus please phone
01522 880400 or email

sixth form open evening

DofE Notice 30-09-19

DofE application forms to be with Mr Ritchie by the 4th of October. ParentPay to open next week for payments.

Dates for the Diary:

Training day (Bronze and Silver): 18/01/2020

Bronze Practice Expedition: 16-17/05/2020
Bronze Assessed Expedition: 20-21/06/2020

Silver Practice Expedition: 28-29-30/05/2020
Silver Assessed Expedition: 3-4-5/07/2020