Geography – Year 7 Trip to Edale

Yesterday, some of our year 7 Geographers visited Edale in the Peak District to conduct a river study. They carried out fieldwork on two different parts of the river. This included measuring the width and depth of the river, the velocity (speed) and also taking sediment samples. All of the students were involved in the fieldwork, and it was a great way to link some of their knowledge they had learnt on the topic of rivers in lessons to a real-life example! Click on the images below to see the Year 7 students in action!


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Food Technology – Cheesecakes

Mrs Lawrence’s group were brilliant at making their own cheesecakes today! The class really listened to instructions and applied some interesting adaptations to their cheesecakes. Please find images of the students work below.


Website Update – Behaviour Curriculum

Branston Values logo

We have reviewed and updated our Academy behaviour curriculum in preparation for September. A link can be found below:

All students have been informed and introduced to these changes via assemblies this week, and will be reminded again in September.

At the bottom of the page is a PDF of ‘Expectations’ that has been explicitly explained to students this week as ‘non-negotiables’.

Reading Group – Louie Stowell

Year 7’s from Mrs Sergeant’s reading group were treated to a fantastic session with Louie Stowell, author of the bestselling Loki books yesterday morning! The students thoroughly enjoyed it asking her some really tricky questions!


She emailed afterwards saying ‘Lovely to chat to the pupils! And VERY impressed with Jackson who spotted something I hadn’t fleshed out properly. If I go into that in a following book I will credit them! ‘


She finished the session introducing them to her dog Buffy!


Y7 students holding Louie's book, Loki

Click to open.

Louie and her dog Buffy!

Click to open.

Website Update – New Timings of the Day

Timings of the school day have been adjusted and will take effect in September. The new timings can be seen below or you can visit this page.

The term dates for academic years 2022-23 and 2023-24 can also be found at the bottom of this page.


9:28 am – Lesson 1
10:01 am – Lesson 2
10:34 am – Lesson 3


11:22 am – Lesson 4
11:55 am – Lesson 5

12:28 PM – LUNCH

1:18 pm – Lesson 6
1:51 pm – Lesson7


2:34 pm – Lesson 8
3:07 pm – Lesson 9
3:40 pm – Dismissal

The term dates for academic years 2022-23 and 2023-24 can also be found below:

Download Term Dates 2022-23
Download Term Dates 2023-24
Download Term Dates 2024-25

Summer Show 2023 – 29/06/2023

BCA’s talented students take to the stage once more with this year’s Summer Show.

Our students have prepared a show to include songs, dances and various musical items and all year groups are represented.

Come along and enjoy the event in the Concert Hall.

Tickets £4 (Available on the door).

Summer Show 2023 - 29/06/2023