GCE from 08:00hrs 17/08/2023
GCSE from 08:00hrs 24/08/2023
Results are emailed and available in the Edulink One app/website.
Paper copes can be collected in our Sixth Form block between 9.00 and 11.00am on the day.
General news about the Academy
Big info splurge yesterday as we build up to the summer break and run out of working hours. Lots of emails, texts and FB updates came your way.
If you missed it, we added parents’ evening events to our Facebook page so you can sign up and get reminders.
These posts may have been lost in the morning news drama and adverts, so here’s a fresh update.
The full list of parents’ evenings can be also be seen and downloaded here.
Our new online calendar will be available soon. Watch this space.
We have just launched Edulink One to all of our contacts with ‘parental responsibility’. Emails have been sent home with details of how to log in.
We are moving all existing paper and electronic communications to this system. It is therefore essential that you use this service to stay up to date regarding your child.
Further information can be found here and in the email.
The first Open Evening of the 2023-24 academic year has been announced. Information on the Open Evening can be found below.
A PDF version can also be downloaded here: Open Evening 2023
Both the swimming pool and changing rooms will be closed for refurbishment starting the 18th June. The pool is due to open later this year. A more specific date will be given closer to the time. Toilets will still be open and available within the foyer. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this.
Click here more information about our swimming pool facility.