We have put the key dates together into one easy document so that parents and students are aware of key internal assessment dates throughout the year.
All students also have a Parents’ Consultation Evening where parents are encouraged to attend and have individual appointments with teaching staff.
Student’s work is continually assessed through classwork and homework tasks. In addition, there is an opportunity for departments to conduct more formal assessments during our calendared assessment weeks.
In Years 7 and 8 there are 3 assessment check points across the year and the results of these are forwarded to parents through a Progress Review.
In Year 9 parents will a Progress Review in the Autumn term. This followed by a full written report in the Spring and then final Key Stage 3 levels in the Summer.
During Year 10 parents receive a Progress Review in the Autumn term and a full written report in the Summer term. In Year 11 students will receive a full written report immediately after the mock examinations.
In Year 12 students receive a Progress Review in the Autumn term followed by a written report early in the Summer term. In Year 13 students receive a full written report late in the Autumn term and then a final Progress Review early in the Summer term.
Assessment Calendar 2017 2018
Our Academy policy on assessment and recording of progress in below:
a) Assessment practice should have a positive impact on students’ attitudes, motivation and self-esteem. This is more likely where students see assessment primarily as a means of improving their standards of work and promoting their general development, a prime aim of the Academy.
b) Assessment provides evidence of working towards key stages within the National Curriculum. This information may be requested by parents at any time, while teacher assessment helps to illuminate SAT scores in the subjects.
c) Students should have some opportunity to respond to assessment, for instance through reflecting about, revising or correcting work and discussions with their teachers. Teachers should use their results of their assessments to set work which is well matched to their students’ capabilities. A variety of assessment procedures is encouraged (including student self-assessment).
d) Assessments should largely be woven into schemes of work. In addition, faculties are requested to give end of unit/year tests.
e) Each faculty should have its own assessment policy and it must be remembered that the informative marking of books is a key element in helping students to progress.
f) Students’ work should be marked regularly and certainly never less than every half term . Departments are encouraged to develop standardised departmental marking policies and to ensure that students understand what their marks mean. Work should be annotated with comments that will assist students in improving the quality of their work. “Benchmark” pieces of work, agreed upon by faculty members should be available for reference by teachers (particularly new staff) and OFSTED inspectors.
g) Marks should be recorded, as appropriate, and at the end of each year, National Curriculum summary sheets for each student in relevant subjects should be completed and passed on to the new subject teacher, the Team Leader (or Key Stage Co-ordinator) and made available to Vice-Principal (JT). Evidence should consist of an exercise book/folder/file with marked, dated pieces of work. Additional evidence is to be encouraged but not at the expense of a more enriching curriculum for the student. Departments that wish to use computer generated summary sheets are encouraged to do so. YELLIS and ALIS Record Sheets should be completed after each round of predicted grades.
h) A copy of the marks for each department’s standard tests and GCSE predicted grades should be filed with the head of department for reference, and use in analysing student progress. Full year lists in all subjects will be returned to Team Leaders, who should compare progress of students in their subject to others. Departments can convert these into class lists by downloading and editing central files into department files.
This notice has been produced on behalf of AQA, City & Guilds, CCEA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC
Information for candidates
GCSE and Principal Learning: Controlled Assessments
This document tells you about some things that you must and must not do when you are completing your work.
Before you submit any work for marking, you will be asked to sign an authentication statement confirming that you have read and followed these regulations.
If there is anything that you do not understand, you must ask your teacher or lecturer.
Controlled Assessment will provide you with an opportunity to do some independent research into a topic. The research you do may involve looking for information in published sources such as textbooks, encyclopedias, journals, TV, radio, and on the internet.
Using information from published sources (including the internet) as the basis for your assignment is a good way to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of a subject, but you must take care how you use this material – you cannot copy it and claim it as your own work.
The regulations state that:
“the work which you submit for assessment must be your own”;
“you must not copy from someone else or allow another candidate to copy from you”.
If you use the same wording as a published source, you must place quotation marks around the passage and state where it came from. This is called “referencing”. You must make sure that you give detailed references for everything in your work which is not in your own words. A reference from a printed book or journal should show the name of the author, the year of publication and the page number, for example: (Morrison, 2000, pg.29).
For material taken from the internet, your reference should show the date when the material was downloaded and must show the precise web page, not the search engine used to locate it. This can be copied from the address line.
You may be required to include a bibliography at the end of your work. Your teacher or lecturer will tell you whether a bibliography is necessary. Where required, your bibliography must list the full details of publications you have used in your research, even where these are not directly referred to , for example: Morrison, A. (2000) “Mary, Queen of Scots”, London: Weston Press.
If you copy the words or ideas of others and don’t show your sources in references and a bibliography, this will be considered as cheating.
Preparing your work – good practice
If you receive help and guidance from someone other than your teacher, you must tell your teacher who will then record the nature of the assistance given to you.
If you worked as part of a group on an assignment, for example, undertaking field research, you must each write up your own account of the assignment. Even if the data you have is the same, the description of how that data was obtained and the conclusions you draw from it should be in your own words.
You must meet the deadlines that your teacher gives you. Remember – your teachers are there to guide you. Although they cannot give you direct assistance, they can help you to sort out any problems before it is too late.
Take care of your work and keep it safe. Don’t leave it lying around where your classmates can find it.
You must always keep your work secure and confidential whilst you are preparing it; do not share it with your classmates. If it is stored on the computer network, keep your password secure. Collect all copies from the printer and destroy those you don’t need.
Don’t be tempted to use essays from online essay banks — this is cheating. Electronic tools used by awarding bodies can detect this sort of copying.
Plagiarism involves taking someone else’s words, thoughts or ideas and trying to pass them off as your own. It is a form of cheating which is taken very seriously.
Don’t think you won’t be caught; there are many ways to detect plagiarism.
- Markers can spot changes in the style of writing and use of language.
- Markers are highly experienced subject specialists who are very familiar with work on the topic copied from!).
- Internet search engines and specialised computer software can be used to match phrases or pieces of text with original sources and to detect changes in the grammar and style of writing or punctuation.
Penalties for breaking the regulations
If your work is submitted and it is discovered that you have broken the regulations, one of the following penalties will be applied:
- the piece of work will be awarded zero marks;
- you will be disqualified from that unit for the examination series in question;
- you will be disqualified from the whole subject for that examination series;
- you will be disqualified from all subjects and barred from entering again for a period of time.
Your awarding body will decide which penalty is appropriate.