Food Technology – Fruit Salad

Amazing fruit salad’s produced by Mrs Woods Food group!

World Mental Health Day – Young Minds Yellow Campaign

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day and the 6th Form supported this by taking part in Young Minds Hello Yellow campaign. Photos of the day can be found at the bottom of this page.
They dressed in yellow and sold ribbons to raise awareness. By wearing yellow and donating to support the cause, they have helped show young people that they matter and that they deserve the support they need, when they need it, no matter what.
They managed to raise £85! Well done to all of those who took part.

Food Technology – Y10 Swiss Rolls

An excellent effort at Swiss rolls by Mrs Lawrence’s Year 10 group. Please find more photos of the students work below.

PE Fixtures – w/c 02/10/2023

The P.E. Fixtures for the week commencing the 02/10/2023 can be found below:

Tues 3rd OctY7A FootballSPRA [A]5.15pm
Y9A FootballSPRA [A]5.15pm
Weds 4th OctY8A FootballLSST [H]5.15pm
Y8A NetballLSST [H]5.15pm
Y10A NetballLSST [H]5.15pm
Thu 5th OctY7B FootballMinster [H]5.15pm
Y8B FootballMinster [H]5.15pm
Fri 6th OctCross Country CupCrowlands4.00pm

Good luck to those that are playing!

Sports Results – w/c 25/09/2023

Sports results from last week can be found below! Well done BCA ✨ 🏆

Football Results

Y7 Football: BCA 4 – 0 NK

Y8 Football: BCA 4 – 3 QEHS

Y10 Football: Postponed

Y11 Football: BCA 1 – 3 QEHS


Netball Results

Y8 Netball – BCA 31 – 5 QE

Y10 Netball – BCA 9 – 42 QEHS

U18 Netball Tournament – 2nd