First Full Day Rehearsal – Singing In the Rain

Yesterday was the first full day rehearsal for this years musical “Singing in the Rain”.

The students were practising their lines, acting, dance routines and musical numbers in what looks like it will be another spectacular show.

We can’t wait for you all to see the final product during show week 5th – 9th February.

Wellbeing Ambassadors – Introduction

Our new Wellbeing Ambassadors are now actively supporting our students throughout the academy.

The team is made up of Y13 students who have completed and passed specific training which allows them to work across the whole school.

They are trained to offer advice and practical strategies which builds resilience and confidence for students.

They are a valuable asset to our already proactive wellbeing approach in school.

Students can identify them by their yellow lanyards and they are able to approach them if they have any issues, they are happy to help.

Our new WellBeing Ambassadors

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 – Odd Socks Day

Anti-Bullying Week got started off with Odd Socks Day which saw a wide array of brightly coloured socks and an amazing display of designs for the Odd Socks Competition.

The winners of the Odd Sock competition were presented with their prizes on Thursday, odd socks of course!

Throughout the week, our Community Ambassadors were on hand to collect and organise donations for Branston foodbank.

On Thursday, we delivered a car load of food to the foodbank and our Duke of Edinburgh Community Ambassadors were on hand to put it all away ready for being distributed to local families.

We also received £209 in donations. The foodbank uses this money to buy co-op vouchers so that families have the opportunity to buy fresh foods to go alongside the hampers of non perishable food and products.

We have another load of donations that will be dropped off next week.

Thank you to all of those that donated towards this valuable resource in our local community!

Sports Results – w/c 13/11/2023

Sports results from last week can be found below! We have had Netball County success and more…! ✨ 🏆

Badminton Results

Y8A BCA 0 – 6 Will Farr

Y8B BCA 0 – 6 Will Farr

Y9A BCA 3 – 3 Will Farr

Y9B BCA 3 – 3 Will Farr

Y10A (Boys) BCA 0-6 LSST

Y10B (Boys) BCA 0-6 LSST

Y10A (Girls) Badminton 4-2 LSST

Y10B (Girls) Badminton 2-4  LSST



Y11B BCA 1 – 2 Carres G


Netball Results

Y7B BCA 1  v  5 Pembroke

Y8B BCA 20 – 0  Castle

U19 Netball County Tournament – 3rd


P.E. Fixtures – w/c 20/11/2023

The P.E. Fixtures for the week commencing the 20/11/2023 can be found below, good luck to those that are playing!

Tues 21st NovY8A NetballNK [A]5.30pm
Y8 (Boys) BadmintonLSST [H]5.00pm
Y9 (Boys) BadmintonLSST [H]5.00pm
Thurs 23rd NovY9 (Boys) BadmintonQEHS [A]6.00pm
Y10 (Boys) BadmintonQEHS [A]6.00pm
Y10 (Girls) BadmintonQEHS [A]6.00pm
Y11 (Girls) BadmintonQEHS [A]6.00pm
Y9B NetballLCHS [H]5.10pm