Public Calendar Updated

Our public calendar has now been updated for the academic year 2024-2025. It can be viewed on our website and in the EduLink app, or you can download a copy for yourself from our website.

You can also add our calendar to your phone calendar subscriptions using the link and guidance provided on the page linked below:

School’s Out For Summer!

School's Out for Summer Image

Another outstanding year comes to an end, please have a restful time and please do keep yourselves safe. See you in September.

Hello, Summer! — (A Last Day of School Poem)
by Gregory K.

Goodbye, classroom!
Goodbye, Teach!
You can find me at the beach…
Or in the park or at the pool
Or any place that isn’t school.

Goodbye, quizzes!
Bye, reports!
Hello days packed full of sports
And days when I’m just lazybones
While eating melty ice cream cones.

Goodbye, homework —
Lunchroom, too.
There’s so, so much I wanna do.
I know the school year flew on past…
But please, please summer — last and last.

Online Safety – Parental Controls: A Brief Introduction

An online safety guidance document from Dan at Lincolnshire County Council can be found below:

Online Safety Newsletter – Parental Controls

While being online can be hugely positive for everyone, especially our children, many parents and carers worry about how best to manage their safety. Issues around content and screen time are frequently reported with 40% of parents/carers reporting that they struggled to control their screen time. To help, here is a brief introduction to some common features available to help support you and your child when they engage with content in the virtual world.