Public Calendar Updated

Our public calendar has now been updated for the academic year 2024-2025. It can be viewed on our website and in the EduLink app, or you can download a copy for yourself from our website.

You can also add our calendar to your phone calendar subscriptions using the link and guidance provided on the page linked below:

Year 12 Work Experience 2024

Our Year 12 students had work experience from the 24th to 28th June.
The photos below show some of the amazing opportunities they had whilst on placement.

Mobile Devices – Reminder

Reminder to all stakeholders. From Monday, mobile devices must be off an in bags from the time students arrive onsite to the time they leave site.

Not seen, not heard, not used

Concessions will be made for students with electronic bus passes at the end of the Academy day. Who should make themselves known to senior staff on duty.