Wellbeing Training Day 2024

Our Wellbeing Ambassador students met with Carre’s Grammar and St Peter & St Paul schools yesterday to complete Wellbeing Ambassador training.


They had an informative day and enjoyed meeting and working with other schools, this is something we hope to build on in the future.

Bake Sale for MIND – Result

Thanks to everyone who supported our Bake Sale on the last day of term; the cakes sold out by the end of first break!!!!


A total of £168.52 was raised for MIND.


Well done to the Community and Wellbeing Ambassadors for organising the Bake Sale.

Bake Sale for Mind – Charity

The Wellbeing and Community Ambassador teams are holding a bake sale on Friday 9th February at morning break (and lunchtime if there are still cakes left from the morning); all in aid of the England and Wales based charity Mind.


Please bring along some money for a morning treat and to help raise money for a really worthwhile cause.


Thanks for your support!


Bake Sale Feb 2024

Wellbeing Ambassadors – Training for 2024

Our Wellbeing Ambassadors have been getting ready for Wellbeing 2024; lots of plans in the making to continue supporting our students.

Wellbeing Ambassadors – Introduction

Our new Wellbeing Ambassadors are now actively supporting our students throughout the academy.

The team is made up of Y13 students who have completed and passed specific training which allows them to work across the whole school.

They are trained to offer advice and practical strategies which builds resilience and confidence for students.

They are a valuable asset to our already proactive wellbeing approach in school.

Students can identify them by their yellow lanyards and they are able to approach them if they have any issues, they are happy to help.

Our new WellBeing Ambassadors