Welcome to the BCA Dining Room
The Catering department at Branston Community Academy offers students, staff and visitors a wide choice of food and drinks, all of which are nutritionally balanced and comply with school food standard regulations.
The emphasis is on providing well balanced, home cooked meals produced by professional qualified catering staff using local reputable suppliers where possible.
Students can speak with the catering manager regarding any issues that may arise.
A Cashless Pay system is used in the dining room linked to the online ParentPay facility. Cashless Pay provides students with a quick efficient payment service and provides anonymity for those students entitled to free school meals. Additionally, parents can access information on any purchases their child has made.
Our three week menu cycle provides students and staff with a wide variety of choice including main meal choices, freshly prepared sandwiches and paninis, fresh fruit, pasta pots and homemade cakes and biscuits.
Students who have food allergies and intolerances can speak to the catering manager and pre order meals. We also cater for vegetarians and vegans a popular service amongst our students.