If you have been identified as gifted and talented, this page is designed to help support you and to celebrate your achievements.
What does it mean to be gifted and talented?
If you are are ‘gifted’ it means you are usually excelling in traditionally academic subjects, such as English, Maths and Science, whereas being ‘talented’ involves more creative or practical subjects, such as Art, Drama and PE.
What are the next steps?
We want to support your gifts and talents, so have a look at the links below to see what is on offer at Branston Community Academy. Remember to also speak to your subject teachers about the ways to get involved in all the clubs and activities available. Alternatively, come and have a chat with me about being G&T!
Mrs M Morrell
Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator

S | S is to state positively and precisely what you want. You must know what you want to achieve in order to be able to achieve it. For example, it is only when you state that one of your goals is ‘to get an A in my English literature exam’, that you can start looking at how to get that A. |
I | I stands for important reasons. There must be good reasons for why you want to achieve something. It’s a good idea to take time out and think about why you are doing all this revision and homework – it might be the motivation you need as we get closer to the exams! |
G | G helps you turn these aspirations into GOALS. Set yourself realistic targets to help you become successful. It’s important to know exactly what you want before you go on to achieving it. |
N | N stands for being ‘non-comparative’ with others. This means that you shouldn’t compare yourself to the goals that your peers have chosen. You are not the same person and you have different aspirations. You need to set the goals that will help YOU achieve what YOU want to achieve. |
I | The next I is intrinsic motivation. This basically means that because you have thought about what YOU want to achieve and have set the realistic goals that will help YOU achieve it, the whole process becomes more about YOU and YOUR success. It’s all about self-motivation! |
F | F is all about having a future-self reference point. You need to be able to imagine yourself there, on results day with all the grades you want to achieve. Or, think about yourself in your dream job. But it’s also important to think back to how far you have come already - take the time to think about what you knew at the start of Y10 compared to everything you know now. |
I | One of the most important ‘I’s is ‘imagine it happening’. Positive thinking and an ‘I can’ attitude works wonders for your self-esteem and will help you reach your realistic goals and then, success. Jeffery Hodges – a motivational speaker for Olympic athletes - recommends spending 30 seconds every night connecting with your future self. |
C | C stands for core values. Know that what you are spending time on and that what you want to achieve is the right thing for you. |
A | A stands for achievable. Similar to earlier points, make sure that what you want to do is realistic. An example of this are new year’s resolutions – often we make lots of goals and targets that aren’t realistic. Instead, really think about what is manageable before you set them. Whilst studying, listen to your teacher’s advice – they can help you see what your next, realistic goal is and how you can achieve it. |
N | N is one of the most important – NEVER GIVE UP. We all have our ups and downs and some days you may feel like you are not getting anywhere. But the vital thing to do is to remember that you are making progress and the hard work will pay off. |
C | Commit yourself. Again, if you have thought long and hard about what goals you want to achieve and how you can go about it, you must then commit yourself to this, otherwise you only ever up cheating yourself. |
E | And finally, E stands for and ecology check. Consider – are there any downsides? One of them might be that you are becoming too stressed or not getting enough sleep. By addressing this, you can help combat these issues so that they don’t end up slowing down your progress. For example, you could create a revision or homework timetable which helps you make sure you are doing the work, but also gives you time for relaxation, hobbies, family and friends. |
You show exceptional practical skills.
You are highly creative and execute ideas to an extremely high level.
You demonstrate exceptional research and analytical skills.
You demonstrate a keen interest, dedication and passion for the subject.
You have good practical skills.
You are very creative and execute ideas to good level.
You have good research and analytical skills.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
You will have differentiated tasks and extension work will be given to the most able.
Your extended homework’s are differentiated by national curriculum levels in KS3.
You will also have differentiated lesson objectives and you will have targets set against these.
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in Art and Design ?
1) There are many Art magazines that you can access online or you can always subscribe to these.
2) You could be involved in helping with the Academy Musical scenery.
3) There is a Gifted, Talented and Able Art club available for Year 8 students.
4) You can visit galleries and view related broadcasts.
Some recommended places to visit in Lincoln are:
• The collection
• Usher Art Gallery
• Harding House
• Sam Scorer Gallery
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in Business studies?
1)You are in the top 5% of students.
2)You have had an above average performance against the year group.
1) You have shown a real interest in the Business World and Economy
2) You might be keen to run your own business or you are already completing business plans
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
You will be asked longer, extended questions to stretch your understanding.
You will also be set extension exercises and you should be referring to the Business review magazine.
What can I do to develop my skills in Business studies?
Within Business studies you can use the Business studies magazines in the library to further your knowledge.
You should also be regularly keeping up with current events by reading newspapers and keeping track of the economic sections.
In addition, you need to be revising key business terms on a weekly basis.
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in Computing?
1) You demonstrate a capability with computers significantly above that expected for your age.
e.g. level 7/8
2) You may demonstrate your understanding exceptionally well in planning and evaluation tasks
3) You explore independently beyond the given breadth of a computing topic.
4) You show evidence of getting on to the extension activities quickly where you challenge your understanding at a more complex level.
1) You initiate ideas and solve problems, use computers effectively and creatively and develop systems that meet your personal needs and interests.
2)You are very interested in using computers out of school and may have developed your own website, blog or use computers for programming games in your own time - you may not have excellent results in assessed activities in class, and may have lower than expected writing skills.
3) You learn and apply new computing techniques quickly.
4)You have high levels of computing skills and require limited input from the teacher to be successful with new software.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
There are challenge folders on the learning web for you to advance your knowledge.
There will be levelled objectives for many of your lessons so that you know how to achieve higher levels.
Schemes of work all contain specific work for Gifted and Talented pupils.
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in computing?
You should be using computers for your own needs and interests outside of simply communicating.
You should often be helping or working with others on projects or small businesses.
You need to keep an eye on the ever changing digital environment and political/ethical/moral issues raised.
In addition, there are many groups with computer expertise available for you to consult outside school such as 'Code Academy', ‘Hack space’, ‘Ted talks’ and ‘Udacity’. These will all help to progress you knowledge and understanding.
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in Design and Technology?
1. Your performance is above the national level for their age group.
2. You have shown evidence of particular aptitudes in certain areas of the subject.
3. You will respond well to questions.
4. You ask questions that are challenging.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
Within lessons you will have the ability to push yourself with extension tasks that will be given to you. All extended homework’s now have extension activities and clear guidelines to achieve higher levels.
You will have levelled objectives and outcomes and in KS4 you will working towards GCSE and A level criteria for A/A*
You will also be given differentiated question grids and thinking plots. These include low, medium and high order thinking and ‘outside the box’ thinking skills, all of which will help you to progress.
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in Design and Technology?
If you are in KS3, you may have the opportunity to take part in the ‘Go global cookery competition.
In year 8, you may also have the opportunity to take part in the engineering conference activity at Siemens.
Year 9 have gone to the County Electronic Competition and have won it for the last 2 years.
In years 12/13 there is a possibility of working towards an ‘Arkwright sponsored scholarship’ for the brightest pupils. This has been achieved by several pupils from Branston in the past.
You can also watch things like ‘Master chef’, ‘British bake off’ and ‘Greg Marsden’s supermarket experience’, which are both excellent for the science of food, presentation and ideas.
Simply practising cooking at home can have many benefits and reading related magazines such as ‘Good food’, ‘The caterer’, or the ‘BBC DT website’.
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in English?
1.You are performing within the top 5% of students.
2. You are performing above average in the year group.
3. You have performed at levels of literacy or oracy notably advanced for your age group. Alternatively, you may have unusual abilities in specific areas such as poetry, drama, non-fiction writing etc.
1. You have shown a creative flair by writing or talking in imaginative and coherent ways.
2. You have grasped the essence of particular styles of speaking & writing and have adapted them to their own purpose.
3. You have engaged seriously with the moral/social themes in texts studied.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
Within each scheme of work that you study, the teacher will plan and deliver extension and more complex activities identified to stretch your understanding of each topic.
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in English?
You have many options to stretch your ability in English.
You can join the library so that you have access to many books.
Debating club:
Pupils can develop there argumentative skills and compete against other schools. Debating has been an integral part of the English departments Gifted and Talented programme for many years and continues to thrive. There is both a junior and a senior debating club which runs weekly sessions.
New film making club:
For enthusiastic and talented filmmakers. You will be focusing on original concepts, script writing and looking at the theory of film making.
Creative writing club:
This will help you to enrich and develop your writing skills.
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in Geography?
1) You are in the top 5% in year group and show an aptitude and enjoyment for the subject.
2) You understand concepts clearly and you can apply this understanding to new situations in order to make interpretations, develop hypotheses, reach conclusions and explore solutions.
3) You are able to reason, argue and think logically, showing an ability to manipulate abstract symbols and recognise patterns and sequences.
1) You have been recommended by your teacher.
2) You are in the top 6-10% in your year group.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
In lessons, you will be used to completing extension work in both Key stages. There are differentiated textbooks and when you reach KS4 there is the option of a higher tier paper.
There will also be a variety of thinking skills activities which not only help with your subject knowledge but also the way in which you consider ideas.
You will also have differentiated targets and you complete independent learning tasks which give you the scope to push yourself to achieve the highest levels.
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in Geography ?
There are several things you can do. Reading around the subject is always beneficial to broaden your understanding.
You could visit National parks, museums and also watch documentaries to gain a wider knowledge.
More specifically, you could subscribe to National Geographic magazine or go to Local Geography association branch meetings.
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in History?
You demonstrate a broad and sophisticated knowledge and understanding of historical periods and you make confident use of conventions, terms and concepts which describe historical periods and the passing of time.
You can ask searching historical questions, engaging in increasingly independent historical enquiry and problem-solving exercises. You can also make suggestions which reflect independent thought concerning the connections, causes and consequences of historical events, situations and changes.
You can use a range of historical sources, including complex and ambiguous ones, with confidence and perception and you are aware of the provisional nature of knowledge and are prepared to challenge interpretations.
You can produce high quality written communication, selecting and using historical information to support a narrative and you can sustain a line of argument, making well balanced judgements.
You can analyse sources in context to reach soundly based evaluations and conclusions based on considered use of evidence and are prepared to support them with reasoned argument.
You show a keen awareness of the characteristics of different historical periods and the diversity of experience within each one. You can use subject-specific vocabulary and terminology with accuracy and confidence.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
You will be working towards specific objectives and you will be asked to analyse and evaluate information whilst thinking outside the box.
You will be given extended homework tasks to challenge you and make sure that you push yourself to achieve the highest marks possible.
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in History?
There are many things that you can do to develop your skills, particularly in a historic city like Lincoln. You can visit the Cathedral and Castle and take an interest in the History of these places in order to broaden your knowledge.
You could also sign up to any magazines such as ‘history today’ to keep up with latest information.
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in Modern Foreign Languages ?
You are in the top 5% in all 4 language skills.
You have a very good attitude and a linguistically favourable temperament.
You are in the top 6-10% in all 4 language skills
You have a very good attitude and a linguistically favourable temperament
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
You will be challenged consistently to push yourself to achieve as highly as you can within each lesson.
You are provided with extra books to do additional work in.
In German, you may be part of a ‘forcing group’ of 6 students within a GCSE group that are pushed to reach the highest levels.
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in Modern Foreign Languages ?
To further develop your skills, you can read foreign articles at home or on the internet.
Another very good way of increasing your understanding is by listening to foreign radio stations or watching foreign films. This will help to immerse you in the language and thus develop your skills.
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in Maths?
- You will be performing within the top 5% in your year group.
- You will be on track to achieve grade 8 or 9 in year 11 (Exceptional Pathway).
- You may have had a teacher recommendation.
- You may have achieved well at National Maths challenges.
- You will be performing above average in your year group.
- You will be on track to achieve grade 6 or 7 in year 11 (Advanced Pathway).
- You may be showing high level and enthusiasm in mathematics.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
In lessons you will often complete extension work.
You will also be given success criteria so you will know how well you are achieving in each area.
In addition to this, you will have access to more complex activities identified to stretch your understanding further of each topic.
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in Maths?
To improve your work independent of school, you can:
- Complete logic puzzles ie. Sudoku
- Access activities on Mathswatch or Nrich (enriching mathematics)
- Personalise your own study at home. (Work at what you find most difficult to develop your skills)
- You may be nominated to take part in a masterclass programme that is designed to stretch young, passionate mathematicians.
- Sign up for free to parallel by Simon Singh to have access to mathematical challenges
Websites for further resources/information:
The UK Mathematics Trust: http://www.ukmt.org.uk/about-us/
Nrich: www.nrich.maths.org
Mathwire.com: http://mathwire.com/archives/enrichment.html
Parallel Maths Challenges: https://parallel.org.uk
Further Mathematics Support Programme: http://www.furthermaths.org.uk/enrichment
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in Music?
You demonstrate excellent performance and/or composition skills over an extended period of time. (At least 6 weeks)
Your achievement level in music is high: in the top 5% of the year group.
You demonstrate considerable ability in one aspect of music and are very keen to develop your musical potential further.
You may be particularly talented in one aspect of music such as the performance of one instrument or be very skilled in Music technology e.g. composition using ICT.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
You will be given the opportunity to use a variety of instruments and to hone your skills and develop them towards specific objectives.
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in Music?
You have the opportunity in school to develop your skills with gifted teachers from outside the school coming in to teach specific and highly advanced skills for the instrument of your choice.
For further information, see Mr. Amey
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in Physical Education ?
You achieve outstandingly in multiple sports or you have outstanding achievement in a single sport.
Your overall achievement in Physical Education is very high. You are in the top 5% in the year group.
You have a very good level of achievement in multiple sporting activities.
Your overall achievement in Physical Education is very good. You are in the top 5-15% of the year group.
You have a good level of ability in an area of the national curriculum, such as games, gymnastics or OAA.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
You will be assessed against National curriculum levels and you will have targets to help you meet this.
Outside coaches may come into some of your lessons to give expert coaching and advice.
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in Physical Education ?
If you are gifted, talented or able in a particular sport or many, you will be invited to represent the school in these sports.
You can also be involved in representing your house in house sport.
You are also advised to join clubs for whichever sport(s) you’re are gifted, talented or able in and they will help you to advance your skills.
School teams are currently run for:
• Boys football (Y7-13)
• Girls football (Y7-10)
• Tag rugby (Y7-10)
• Netball (Y7-11)
• Cricket (Y7-10)
• Rounders (Y7-10)
• Basketball (Y7-11)
• Tennis (Y7-10)
• Swimming (Y7-11)
• Athletics (Y7-11)
• Cross country (Y7-11)
Extra-curricular clubs are run for:
• Swimming
• Badminton
• Dance
• Gymnastics
• Table Tennis
• Fitness
• Rugby
• American Football
For further information, see Mr. Inman
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in Performing Arts?
1. You will be in the top 5% of students in MIDYIS, YELLIS or ALIS
2. You are above average performance against the year group according to the relevant tracker
1. You are captivated by dance and/or drama and have the ability to communicate effectively using expression and control.
2. You perform with confidence to an audience.
3. You can memorise lines and complex movement phrases easily as well as developing performance strategies to enhance performances.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in Performing Arts?
What makes me Gifted/Talented or Able in Religious Education ?
You demonstrate a high level of insight and empathy of religious concepts and issues.
You engage in philosophical thought, constructing reasoned arguments.
You have an ability to make links between concepts and apply them to contemporary society and a variety of concepts.
You achieve high levels of attainment.
You shows high levels of understanding religious beliefs and traditions.
You can express yourself articulately in discussions and debates.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop my skills?
You will have levelled objectives in many of your lessons so that you know exactly what you need to do to achieve high levels.
There are activities and challenges within lessons specific for Gifted, Talented and Able students.
You will also be set levelled homework’s and extension work will be expected to be completed.
What can I do outside of school to develop my skills in Religious Education ?
1) You can borrow books form the RE library.
2) You need to keep up to date with relevant moral/ethical issues by reading the news online or newspapers.
3) You can subscribe to a philosophy magazine for example ‘New philosopher magazine’ (www.newphilosopher.com)
4) You can go to the Philosophy café that meets once a month
For details follow the link below:
Useful links/Resources:
Gifted & Talented in Science
Each year we compile a register of Gifted and Talented and Able students in Science.
Students can be identified as Gifted and Talented in Science for a number of reasons which include:
- Reaching the top 5%-10% of students in the year group
- Improved performance evident in module tests or homeworks
- Significant effort in lessons
- High levels of interest and enthusiasm in Science
Students may be identified as Able in Science if they:
- Are inquisitive about Science and dissatisfied with simplified explanations or insufficient depth
- Consider alternative suggestions and strategies for investigations
- Make connections quickly and uses more extensive vocabulary than their peers
We also recognise that those students who are gifted and talented do not always show their ability immediately. Such pupils maybe gifted even though their abilities may be hidden or remain as potential.
What will we be doing in lessons to develop the skills of Gifted and Talented/ Able students?
Students will have levelled learning objectives and will be able to access extension activities to push themselves to achieve the highest possible levels.
What can students do outside of lessons to develop their skills in Science?
Students will have the opportunity to be involved in a range of extra-curricular opportunities.
They may be asked to be one of our Subject Ambassadors. They may have the opportunity to be involved in the RAF Waddington Project X competition.
There are also higher opportunities, for example there are several seminars and open days at some Universities looking at many aspects of Science.
Students may also have the opportunity to go on some outside school visits, for example, there have been STEM days at Lincoln University. Such trips allow students to learn about careers and challenges in Science and Engineering. Most activities are hands on competitions involving problem solving and team work.
What can students do at home to develop their skills in Science?
By clicking on the link below you will be taken to our ‘Science Outside the Classroom’ page. Here you will find links to other Science based activities, such as places to visit and websites.