Welcome to the History Department

Our Intent
Enable students to study the diversity and richness of human experience in the past will help them prepare to live in a complex & changing world. Teaching staff, through their love of the subject, aim to instil in students an interest in the past that will remain with them through their lives.
Our History Programme of Study from Key Stage 3-5 is based on inspiring, fascinating and exciting topics to fire students’ imagination and make them inquisitive about the past (and as a result the current world they live in) beyond the school gates. By providing students with a range of breadth and depth studies we aim to enable them to deepen their knowledge and understanding of local, national and elements of international History. The sequence of Units taught will provide students with a chronological framework to help them understand the development of the British Isles and its relationship with the wider world from earliest times to the present day. They will also have opportunities to study the experiences of peoples, cultures and societies different to their own. Depth studies and overviews will explore and deepen knowledge of key themes and concepts. For example, the development of the democratic process and the changing nature and impact of conflict to the present day. Our curriculum is designed around units of study which allow students opportunities to progress in their mastering of core historical skills – source analysis, chronology, understanding of change & continuity, causation, significance, explanation and changing interpretations of the past.
Autumn | Spring | Summer | |
Year 7 - Single Lesson | Village & Town: social change in the middle ages - A comparative study with China | The Crusades, The Black Death, The Peasants' Revolt | Society in the Tutor Period |
Year 7 - Double Lesson | What is history? 1066 & the Norman Conquest, Castles through the middle ages | The role of religion in the middle ages, Pilgrimage to Lincoln Cathedral, The Medieval monarchy: a case study of King John & the Magna Carta | Religious change through the Tudor period, Was Guy Fawkes framed: interpretations of the Gunpowder Plot 1605 |
Year 8 | The trade in enslaved people & the reasons for its abolition in 1807. The British Empire | The Industrial Revolution | The growth of democracy in the 1800s. The campaign for Votes for Women. |
Year 9 | The causes of the First World War. Life in the trenches in the First World War. The rise of Adolf Hitler | Life in Nazi Germany. The Second World War & The Holocaust | The Home Front during the Second World War. The world after the 1945: The Cold War, globalisation & multi-cultural Britain |
Autumn | Spring | Summer | |
Year 10 Teacher-1 | Paper 1: Migrants in Britain 800-Present day. | Paper 1: Migrants in Britain 800-Present day. | Paper 1: Migrants in Britain 800-Present day. |
Year 10 Teacher-2 | Paper 1: Case study: Notting Hill 1948-1970 | Paper 2: Early Elizabethan England 1558-1588 | Paper 2: Early Elizabethan England 1558-1588 |
Year 11 Teacher-1 | Paper 2: International Relations & The Cold War. | Paper 2: International Relations & The Cold War. | Revision & Exams |
Year 11 Teacher-2 | Paper 3: Weimar & Nazi Germany 1918-1939 | Paper 3: Weimar & Nazi Germany 1918-1939 | Revision & Exams |
The specification document for this course can be found below:
Autumn | Spring | Summer | |
Year-12 | 3 LESSONS A WEEK: Paper 1 Britain Transformed 1918-97. 2 LESSONS A WEEK: Paper 2 USA – boom, bust & recovery 1918-55 | Britain Transformed 1918-97. USA – boom, bust & recovery 1918-55 | Britain Transformed 1918-97. Coursework unit – The Russian Revolution 1917 |
Year-13 | 2 LESSONS A WEEK: Coursework & Paper 1 and 2 revision. 2 LESSONS A WEEK: Paper 3 Rebellion & disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603 | Coursework & Paper 1 and 2 revision. Paper 3 Rebellion & disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603 | Revision & final exams |
Extra Curricular Activities and Clubs
We encourage all students to participate in the extra-curricular programme we offer. Our clubs and activities are designed to be inclusive for all; the broad range on offer ensures that there is something for students of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to get involved with. We regularly review our offer to meet the ever-changing needs of our students.
The extra-curriculum clubs and activities for the current (and previous) academic term can be found by visiting the link below.
Currently in Development