Branston Community Academy has achieved the National Quality in Careers Standard provided by the Licenced Awarding Body Complete-Careers using the Career Mark approach.
We aim to give all our students the highest standard of careers provision available.
Students will have access to employers at every key stage as well as opportunities to learn about future possibilities both post 16 and 18.
Work experience, we believe, is crucial to our students learning and as such we have committed to students undertaking a one week placement in both year 10 and year 12, enabling them to gain first-hand experience of the world of work.
Our provision allows BCA students to enter the world beyond school with an informed and balanced knowledge of the working world.
In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next steps after school, we will now be using Unifrog; an award-winning, online careers & destinations platform. All students in Years 7 to 13 now have access to this website.
For students to make the links between working hard in school/gaining qualifications/ having choices in the future.
To look at different career areas, shift patterns and working environments
Gain an insight into budgeting
Think about their own skills, interests and career ideas
Student evaluation completed and assessed.
Year 9
Personal Development Lessons
Employer assembly
Options evening - Aims:
the opportunity for parents/students to discuss KS4 courses and where they could lead, with subject teachers
University of Lincoln and Bishop Grosseteste invited to attend
Visit to Bishop Grosseteste - First Steps 2 study - Aims:
An introduction to Higher Education
Motivation for KS4/5
50 (max) students. Open to Y9 – Priority given to Pupil Premium students and those whose parents did not attend university. Thereafter first come basis.
Student evaluation completed and assessed by Bishop Grosseteste University.
Initial introduction to Work Experience – Aims:
Initial introduction so that students can start to think about their preferred type of placement and which organisation could offer this.
To be ready for September so that students can start to apply for their chosen placement
Enterprise Day (Run by Business Dept) - Aims:
To build on some of the previously learned skills/information gained from Y8 Real Game Day
Motivation for KS4
Student evaluation completed and assessed
Notice board in year rooms - to display relevant materials
Year 10
Personal Development Lessons
Employer assembly
Work Experience – 1 week - Aims:
An introduction to Work Experience assembly
Students are encouraged to research/find their own placement in their particular area of interest
Research and apply for placements - meeting set deadlines
Students will further build on some of the employability skills learned during previous activities in addition to the skills developed in their individual workplace
Record books evaluated by tutors and certificate levels awarded (Standard, Merit, Distinction). Certificates issued to all who return record book.
2 students per tutor group nominated for the work experience award, vouchers awarded in recognition, further certificates presented (in final assembly) for winner and 2 runners up
Student evaluation completed and assessed
Careers Preparation Day - Aims:
Introduction to Careers Preparation Day assembly
To prepare for the world of work and work experience
To continue to develop team building/transferrable, employability skills
To gain interview tips, career information from guest employers (students choose 2 employers from those attending)
To gain information about Health & Safety in the workplace.
Careers Preparation Day takes place, followed by student evaluation.
Student evaluation completed and assessed
LTGA Construction Week event for 1 Day
Offered to Construction students only
Health & Care Event
Offered to Health & Social Care students and those with an interest in health related careers only
Early InterventionCareers Guidance Meetings
Offered to the most vulnerable students including Pupil Premium and Additional Needs. Referred by Head of School to Julie Thompson–(time restraints permitting)
Career Related Trips/Events
Various opportunities throughout the year as they become available offered to enhance learning
Notice board in year rooms - to display relevant materials
Year 11
Personal Development Lessons
Post 16 Education Information
Tutors deliver a PowerPoint presentation, followed by discussion re Post 16 Options thus enabling our students to make informed decisions.
All students issued with a questionnaire to provide information about their Post 16 Education ideas, a timeline for guidance, a guide for writing a cover letter and a guide for CV writing. Completed questionnaires reviewed and information collated, monitored and updated regularly
1:1 Careers guidance interviews offered (Provided by Complete Careers) to those students we feel would most benefit, priority given to Pupil Premium, Additional Needs and those students who have identified as needing help with their ideas/plans. Students and tutors advised of date/time of Careers Guidance Interviews by email (school and/or personal) giving notice of 1 week.
Students that are confident with their post 16 education ideas/plans may have a Careers guidance meeting with a staff member to ensure that they are putting plans in place.
A referral system is also in place for 1:1 interview: Tutors - Head of School – Julie Thompson
Student evaluation completed and assessed
External Education Providers
Are given access to those students wanting specific Post 16 course/s/apprenticeship information
6th Form Options Evening
The opportunity for parents/students to discuss courses/options with subject teachers
University of Lincoln and Bishop Grosseteste invited to attend.
Health & Care event (half day)
Offered to Health & Social Care students and those interested in health related careers
Follow-up Careers Questionnaires
Issued to all students asking for details of Education Provider and Courses applied for, interview dates and any offers received. Information reviewed, thus allowing identification of any further intervention required. Appropriate action taken where necessary.
Intended destination data completed from information received in this document.
Newland Partners
Selection and recruitment presentation delivered
Year 12/13
Personal Development Lessons
Careers Guidance Interviews
All students issued with a questionnaire requesting information about their Post Y13 ideas/plans. Completed questionnaires reviewed and information collated, monitored and updated regularly
1:1 Careers guidance interviews offered (Provided by Complete Careers) to those students we feel would most benefit, priority given to Additional Needs and those students who have identified as needing help with their ideas/plans. Students and tutors advised of date/time of Careers Guidance Interviews by email (school and/or personal) giving notice of 1 week.
Students that are confident with their post 16 education ideas/plans may have a Careers guidance meeting with a staff member to ensure that they are putting plans in place.
A referral system is also in place for 1:1 interview: Tutors - Head of School – Julie Thompson
Introduction to Work Experience (assembly)
Students encouraged to find their own placement/ area of interest
Research and apply for placements Should be linked to future career plans/university aspirations wherever possible
Students out for 1 week
Student reflection/evaluation completed
Work Experience1 week
Students are encouraged to research and apply for their own placement which should be linked to their individual career ideas/plans, meeting set deadlines. Help is available if needed
Students will further build on some of the employability skills learned during previous activities in addition to the skills developed in their individual workplace. Student experiences will help form the basis of their personal statement for applications to university, apprenticeships or employment
Student evaluation completed and assessed
Health & Care event
Offered to Health & Social Care students and those interested in a health related caree
Career Related Trips/Events
Various opportunities throughout the year as they become available
University Taster/Open Days
Apprenticeship Fair
Open to all Year 12 students and Year 13 students hoping to gain an apprenticeship
Newland Partners
Selection and recruitment presentation delivered
Active Tutorial Work
CV Writing and Applications
Personal Finance
Researching/Applying for Post Y13 options University/Apprenticeships/Employment
Charity/ Voluntary work
Extended work experience
Potential for extended work experience placements
6th Form Block Display & Notice boards - to display relevant materials
Mr D Inman (SLT Careers)
01522 880400
Learning Web
A link to the Careers section of the student Learning Web can be found below:
Feedback If you would like to provide us with some feedback, please email Mrs J Thompson and Mrs A Walkey at: Please include your name, child’s name if applicable, which event it is regarding, and in what capacity you are from.
Academy Review Proposed review dates
September 2020
December 2020
July 2021
July 2023
All inline with Gatsby Benchmarks
NB; All information gathered from students and providers is internally assessed and any changes to provision is discussed and implemented if deemed necessary.
NB; In the future we intend to have an online parent comments form for feedback on events that take place across all key stage
All information regarding provider access is outlined in our “Child Protection & Safeguarding” & “Careers Education and Provider Access” Policies which can be found on our Policies page.
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