Welcome to the Science Department

Our Intent
- Build students who are reflective, independent, enthusiastic and resilient learners who can take control of their own learning during and after their time at Branston. (Understand how to learn)
- Develop understanding of the scientific process and methods of investigation to further societies knowledge and understanding of the Universe in the future. (Understand HSW)
- Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. The dissemination of a body of knowledge built up by the scientific community. (Understand content)
- Equip students to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future to increase aspiration in Science. (Understand what’s the point in Science)
Currently we have 7 dedicated science labs and 10 teachers from a variety of science specialisms.
"As students join us from primary school, our KS3 curriculum is designed to give students the knowledge, understanding and skills required to be successful throughout their time studying Science at secondary school. We aim to develop their curiosity in the subject and allow them to investigate the natural world, while also building upon work done during KS2. We endeavour to go above and beyond the KS3 National Curriculum, particularly with our focus on the module of "Experimental procedure" throughout year 7 and 8. Here students will be introduced to the scientific process including hypothesis, data collection, analysis, conclusions and peer review.
A full breakdown of topics covered in years 7-9 can be found in the documents below"
Autumn | Spring | Summer | |
Year 7 | Biology (basic structures of plants and animals) and Working in the Lab. | Chemistry (Atoms, elements and compounds and chemical reactions) and Experimental Procedure 1. | Physics (energy, forces and waves) and Experimental Procedure 2 and 3. |
Autumn | Spring | Summer | |
Year 8 | Biology (Biological reactions and variation) and Experimental Procedure 5. | Chemistry (Periodic table, materials and The Earth) and Experimental Procedure 6 and 7. | Physics (Circuits, Particles and Space) and Experimental Procedure 8 and STE (Science, Technology and Engineering). |
"Starting study of KS4 Science in year 10, we revisit topics covered during KS3 and focusses on adding greater depth of detail to these ideas, linking them together and layering in the “working scientifically” content previously introduced in the experimental procedure topics of year 7 and 8. All our students study "AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy" which gives students two GCSE grades at the end of year 11. A full breakdown of the topics covered in year 10 and 11 can be found in the documents below."
The specification document for this course can be found below:
Course information KS5 Biology
Year 12 focuses on the fundamentals in Biology, Exchange & Transport, Disease, Evolution and Biodiversity. At the end of year 12 students will sit a mock examination which assesses all content covered throughout the year, students are expected to achieve a Grade D or above in order to progress into Year 13 Biology.
Year 13 students are assessed on content covered over Y12 and Y13 which will give students a full A level qualification. To achieve an ‘A’ Level GCE Certificate candidates study Modules 1 to 6 of which modules 5 and 6 are taught in Y13. During the course of study, a student following the Biology AS/A level will develop an understanding of principles first met during GCSE. The course aims to develop essential knowledge of biological facts, concepts and principles. The topics develop from an understanding of the processes of life at a sub-cellular and cellular level, through to the interaction of cells to form complex intercellular organisms. The course also looks at the interaction between living organisms and their environment. Both animal and plant systems are studied during the course, providing a broad base of knowledge in preparation for further specialisation in Biology at degree level. The course can also provide training in experimental skills and design, developing abilities to undertake a line of inquiry, analyse data and form conclusions. By studying A level in Biology a student indicates an ability to assimilate information, obtain data experimentally and critically analyse procedures of investigation. A level Biology allows a wide variety of further studies to be undertaken in the field of life sciences and ecological sciences.
Course information KS5 Chemistry
A Level Chemistry is studied over two years, with students in year 12 studying fundamental principles in Chemistry, the Periodic table and Organic Chemistry. Students will sit a mock examination in the summer, of which a grade D or above is required to continue onto Y13 Chemistry.
Year 13 Chemistry is taught across two modules, however students are assessed on all content covered throughout both year 12 and year 13 in 3 assessments in the summer term.
Chemistry is a subject that influences every aspect of life. As a subject it holds great depth and breadth of knowledge, but still further development can be expected. The study of substances and their effects on each other, Chemistry feeds into a wide variety of other subjects from Physics to Medicine and into all the technologies. The contributions of Chemists include better medicines, improved fibres and improved food production, developments in communications, new materials for construction and new sports and leisure goods. Practical investigation is an essential component of this subject.
Course information KS5 Physics
A Level Physics is studied over two years, with students in year 12 studying fundamental principles in Physics, Forces & motion and Electrons, waves and photons. Students will sit a mock examination in the summer, of which a grade D or above is required to continue onto Y13 Physics.
Year 13 Physics is taught across two modules, however students are assessed on all content covered throughout both year 12 and year 13 in 3 assessments in the summer term.
Physics is concerned with the nature of the physical world and the laws that describe the behaviour of its component parts, from quarks, nuclei and atoms to planets, stars and galaxies. The boundaries of Physics cannot be closely defined since the particles of nature and the forces between them underpin all chemical compounds, biological molecules and engineering materials. Many other Science, Engineering and ICT subjects depend to a greater or lesser degree on Physics.
Course information KS5 Level 3 Applied Science
The Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Applied Science is intended as an Applied General qualification for post-16 learners who want to continue their education through applied learning and who aim to progress to a wide range of higher education courses, not necessarily in Applied Science. The qualification is equivalent in size to one A Level and aims to give a coherent introduction to study of the applied science sector. To be taken as part of a programme of study that includes other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A Levels.
Over the course of 2 years students study a combination of the 3 science disciplines (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and are assessed in examinations and coursework that will assess their understanding in the wide field of Science.
- In years 7, 8, 9 and 10 we use Educake to set our homework tasks. Students have a unique log in which then will direct them to the tasks to be completed. (https://my.educake.co.uk/student-login) - If you require any help with this please see this video (https://vimeo.com/823680680) or ask your teacher. These tasks are linked to the curriculum to reinforce content learnt.
We also have our Science Outside The Classroom Page.
- In year 11, the following resources are availiable:
Parent test booklet - This is a way for you to engage with your child in their learning. It contains some basic recall knowledge with questions and answers for you to test them. This will aid them in remembering but also help them to identify where they should start their revision.
Revision guide - These will be issued in the coming weeks and are a good summary of each lesson. Students should not be reading through this cover to cover. They should be picking the lessons or topics they are least confident in and tackling these. These areas could be identified from the above parent test or Educake. Please return these in a good condition at the end of the exam season.
Lunchtime sessions - Along with the Maths and English departments we will be running revision sessions at lunchtimes to reinforce the earlier taught content (year 9 and early year 10). The days for these will be in student notices.
Educake - We will be using this online platform for homework again this year. It can also be used to self-set quizzes on the weaker areas. In the top right of the homepage there is a percentage table for each Science which then breaks it down into each topic.
Past paper packs - We will focus on knowing and remembering content and also on key exam skills (compare, describe, calculate, evaluate etc.) with past paper question packs.
- Learning web - On the school learning web (accessed through the website) there are links to the relevant BBC bitesize pages and YouTube video playlists linked to each topic of the course.
We encourage all students to participate in the extra-curricular programme we offer. Our clubs and activities are designed to be inclusive for all; the broad range on offer ensures that there is something for students of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to get involved with. We regularly review our offer to meet the ever-changing needs of our students.
The extra-curriculum clubs and activities for the current (and previous) academic term can be found by visiting the link below.